22 Dweamy

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Me and Daxton went to the mall the next day, and got him quite a few new clothes. I found out that he likes overalls. They look really good on him. So we got him two pairs, shorts and just normal long ones. (Yes I know we are jumping between times like George is in the future and these guys are in the past shut up idc) He actually go quite a few 'girly' clothes. They weren't like- feminine or dresses they just had like.... ugh I don't even know how to describe it. They were all toned down greens, oranges, beiges, and browns. Lo-fi/cottagecore type (you can tell I'm struggling with this myself) style I don't really know. Any who, we were at the mall when I saw Clara, again. Why do we keep meeting up randomly? I was even more confused when Daxton ran up to her and hugged her. Is that his mom? I followed him over to her. "Oh hi Dax, and Clay." She said my name really weird and it confused me. "Hey." I said. "Sooo... why you out with George's kid huh?" She asked me. "What- I didn't even know who's kid this was?" I told her, bamboozled. "WAIT SO YOU STOLE HIS KID-!?" She screamed grabbing the attention from a lot of people. "What?! No! He bumped into me at the park and he said that the ambulance took his dad! And then I took him in for the time being!!" I told Clara, a look of pure shock forming on her face. "Oh my god.... that's what the ambulance was doing, going over that way!" She said, almost scared. "We- we have to get him! He- he's gotta be at the Institute or something! That's the only place I can think of of where he'd be!" She exclaimed. Welp I guess I'm going to be visiting the Institute sooner than I wanted to.

Damn this one sucks. It took way too long to put out too. Sorry about that🥲

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