Chapter 2

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In my bedroom, I grab my baby-blue suitcase and unzip it, throwing it on the bed and sighing. Layla shuts the bedroom door and throws herself on the bed, her hands behind her head as she watches me pack. Opening the wardrobe, I sigh as I look at all the clothes I have to choose from. We're planning on going out drinking in Cardiff in the nights for the week that we're staying there and having lunch together in the days, but I don't have a clue what the hell to wear. I don't even know what I'm wearing to the concert.

Deciding I have been standing by and staring into my wardrobe long enough, I just force my hand in the wardrobe and start pulling out anything. Dumping the clothes on the bed, I go over to my drawers and begin pulling out underwear, pairs of jeans and random tops. As I'm folding everything and packing them neatly in the suitcase, Layla is on her phone, her double-chin visible as she looks down at it and scrolls down with her thumb. I don't know what she's looking at, but my best guess is that it's something to do with Black Dagger ; it always is.

"God, how great would it to be if we could meet them?" Layla whispers, asking herself more than me, and confirming that she is looking at something to do with Black Dagger.

Putting two pairs of boots and a pair of converse in a plastic carrier bag, I start walking out the bedroom to go to the bathroom. "Yeah, it would be great."

"Jackson Ellis is so gorgeous mun!" I hear Layla call out to me from the bedroom as I grab my toothbrush, toothpaste and period pads (just in case) from the bathroom cabinet. As soon as I get back in the bedroom, Layla sits up. "Do you think they'll notice us right at the front?"

"Maybe." I pack my stuff in the front pocket of the suitcase and grab my hairbrush, shoving it on top of the clothes inside my suitcase.

"Mm..." she mumbles as she gets lost in thought.

Taking my dressing gown off, I fold it neatly and place it inside the suitcase. I grab two nightgowns from the drawers, fold them and place them inside the suitcase too. Layla would argue that pajamas are better, but I find that nightgowns feel nicer, and are way more comfier. I like wearing pajamas in the winter sometimes, because of the cosy vibe that comes from them when you're curled up on the sofa with a cup of chocolate watching movies, but I still prefer nightgowns.

Slipping my nightgown over my head, I start to get dressed and dread the long drive up to Cardiff. I get dressed in a grey, off-the-shoulder knitted jumper, black leggings and black converse trainers. Grabbing my khaki utility jacket from the wardrobe, I slip it on and zip up my suitcase.

Layla springs to her feet as soon as she hears the zipper of my suitcase and sees that I've got my jacket on. "Well then, let's go do some drugs!" She winks and walks out the room, but stops as she passes my drawers and reverses back in the bedroom. I pick my suitcase up by the handle and walk over to her, stopping behind her as she stares at something on the top of my chest of drawers. She reaches her hand out and grabs a red bottle of perfume in the shape of a heart. "I love this perfume, it smells delicious. Take it with you, Mon." She shoves the bottle to my chest and I struggle to hold it before it drops.

Outside my house, the boot of my car is open and I'm arranging my suitcase neatly next to Layla's, before I place my bag of shoes on top. Layla jumps in the passenger side of my white Fiat Punto as my mum comes running out the front door, her arms are thrashing about everywhere dramatically and she's shouting something as my dad walks calmly behind her shaking his head. Soon it becomes obvious what she's flustering about.

"No drugs!" she's shouting. "Say you won't take drugs!"

I glance over my shoulder at the pavement on my street outside the driveway and see an old woman walking her dog. She's glaring over at us, having heard my mum shouting about drugs to me and I smile anxiously at her, waving, before I turn back to my mum and grab her arms.

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