Chapter 18

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In the corridor, I follow them into a room just down a bit from the lounge and it soon becomes clear that it's one of their bedrooms. There's a king bed in the middle of the room, with a guitar slumped in the corner, and a red suitcase next to it. I soon realise, by looking at the colour on the guitar, that this is Chase's room. A TV stand is opposite the bed with a 32" smart TV.  There's a bedside table with loads of plastic cups and empty bottles of booze. There really isn't much in here, I'd expected more but this appears to be it. I don't know what I was expecting, but for some reason, this wasn't it.

Ace turns around briefly and kicks the bathroom door open and they carry the unconscious guy into the bathroom, dropping him in the bathtub. To my surprise - the guy still doesn't wake, he just makes more sleepy noises. Chase bends over the bathtub, puts the plug in, and turns on the taps. The four of them stand there, watching as the bathtub fills up with the guy inside there and laugh hysterically. I start laughing quietly, with my hand cupped over my mouth, as I watch the water filling around the guy's body, his clothes beginning to become baggy and floaty, and he still isn't waking.

The bathtub is now half-full so Ace turns off the taps and gives the guy a poke in the chest, but he doesn't flinch. Chase slaps Ace's back as they start walking out from the bathroom in complete fits of laughter. I stand outside the bathroom, staring inside at the unconscious guy taking an unwitting bath. Jace and Wolf are talking about going for a cigarette and I'm sure they're talking about picking up some weed too. I'm too drunk to care about the fact that they're already talking about drugs and what I hate about being drunk is : if somebody has weed, I'll always be up for it. So I'm hoping that they end up asking me if I want some, but they probably won't because it's not easy to get, and it's pretty pricey.

Ace takes a box of cigarettes from the pocket of his jeans, opens the box, takes one out, places it between his lips and throws the box on the floor carelessly. I know it's against the policy of this building for them to be smoking but regardless of this, Ace takes a lighter out from his pocket and lights up the cigarette anyway. He goes back in the bathroom and closes the door behind him. Jace and Wolf have got arms around each other's shoulders as they walk out from the bedroom and I hear their laughter fading the further away from the bedroom they get.

"This is my room. Looking at you, it's like bringing home a girl for the first time. Do you want to..."

Chase gets cut off when the bathroom door suddenly opens and out runs Ace with a cigarette in his mouth, as fast as he can to the bedside table, where he picks up a half-full bottle of vodka and raises it to us with a smirk as he runs back into the bathroom and slams the door shut behind him. Me and Chase look at each other and laugh. Ace is having a cigarette in the bathroom because it's illegal to be smoking inside the hotel and there's no fire alarms inside the bathroom. It's humorous that he's having a cigarette in the bathroom with the unconscious guy him and Chase put in a bathtub.

Chase starts making his way over to the bed, gulping down Jack Daniels and kicking his feet across the carpet. He sits down on his bed and pats the space next to him. "I'm not gonna try to fuck you, don't worry," he says amusingly with a half-smile.

I smile shyly at him, debating whether I should be offended or relieved by his comment. The bed seems really welcoming right now and I'm dying to lie down, my muscles are aching from all that tension from when I was sober. Making my way to the bed, Chase is smirking at me and looks at me up and down before turning away. His looks at my body makes him all-the-more attractive, but I won't be so tempted so easily. I'm still unsure of Chase's intentions with me, but I'm pretty sure he's disappointed that I'm not gagging for him to have sex with me. Then again, I didn't exactly show any signs of being that sort of person when he first met me, so surely he knows that. I'm not nervous or shy anymore, so I sit down, kick off my boots, then lie back on the bed behind Chase.

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