Chapter 30

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The corridor is empty, but I can hear music from somewhere, booming against the walls. As I walk out from the bedroom, Chase puts his arm around my shoulder, and I feel like jumping for joy. I can't explain why I feel so hyped or joyful, but I just want to party, and boy...can I party when I'm drunk. But being high too? God knows what I'll do! Jace takes off his shades and steps in front of me to slide them onto my face, and I'm loving it. I have no idea how I look, but I'm loving the dress-up right now. I plan to complete the look with Ace's bandana. I don't care, I'll do it. The look must be complete.

Chase steers me off into the lounge where everyone else is, along with three other girls in revealing lingerie. The girls are on the sofa, making out with each other, and probably other stuff too, but I don't care about them. Wolf, Jackson, and Ace are sitting on the opposite sofa, watching the three girls doing whatever, drinking booze. Layla is as hyped as me, she's by the window, dancing with two members of Immortalibus to rock music blasting on the speakers, with a bottle of beer in her hand. But there won't be just three of them dancing for very long.

Slipping away from Chase's arm, I skip over to the sofa where the other three bandmates are sat. Standing behind the sofa, I slowly untie Ace's bandana. He doesn't even realise I'm untying it until I take it away from his head, and he turns around to face me. Wolf and Jackson follow his gaze and the three of them watch me as I take the cowboy hat, rest it on Ace's head for a moment, and tie his bandana around my head. I'm bouncing, I feel so alive.

Once the bandana is secured, I pick up the cowboy hat from Ace's head and put it back on. I've got all three accessories on and I'm absolutely loving it. I dance over to Layla and put my arm around her shoulder, she squeals when she sees me and starts singing loudly. She puts her arm over my shoulder and we both just start dancing wildly. I just feel like I have all this energy to burn and life is good, no worries. My body has never felt so good. Layla is sweating from dancing so much, I have no idea how long she was dancing for before I came in, but she is soaked. The sweat from her arm is soaking through my hair and onto the back of my neck. I'm probably sweaty too, but who cares?

Me and Layla dance wildly together for what feels like seconds : grabbing each other's hands and swaying our arms together, Layla holding my hand in the air while I dance in a circle around her, me holding her hand so she dances in a circle around me, shimmying, slither-dancing - you name it.

A member of Immortalibus puts their hands on my waist and usually I'd reject this, but I'm having fun, everyone's having fun, why would I ruin the fun? Turning around to face the heavy metal band member, I wrap my arms around his neck and dance with him. He feeds himself booze from the bottle he's holding as we dance and then looks at me in the most flirtiest of ways, pulling me closer to his body. I don't know why, but I'm dancing seductively. I'm not even trying to dance like this, it's just coming out of me like I'm possessed or something. I've never even danced like this before, I didn't even know I could, but I'm doing it - and this guy is loving it. I'm probably sending out the wrong signals right now, but I don't care.

When I move my face closer to the guy's cheek, he lowers his head, nuzzling it into my neck, and then begins kissing it slowly. While he does this, I glance over to the others for just a moment, and notice an uncomfortable-looking Chase. Chase is glaring over here, watching me with the band member of Immortalibus, and he really looks displeased with me. I don't understand his painful glare, but I brush it off anyway. The door opens and the other two Immortalibus band members are heading into the lounge.

It takes me a while to realise that Black Dagger aren't watching the girls making out anymore - they're watching us. The girls on the sofa are also watching us, they've stopped what they're doing, and they don't look pleased. Actually, they look quite fed up. I'm not sure why. Should I feel honoured about attracting male attention from just dancing when there's girls touching and kissing each other in front of them? It's quite strange that their focus is on us instead of them. We're not even doing anything interesting, or sexy, or anything...are we? Maybe it's because of how we're dancing with these Immortalibus band members, or something else. I should feel embarrassed about the way we're dancing right now, but there's no shame to be felt. I just feel so free.

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