Chapter 31

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The five of us make our way out from the lounge, down the corridor, and back into Chase's room. All five of us are swaying everywhere, mumbling inaudible words to ourselves and to each other. We're all really drunk, and I'm sure we're all high on something too. I had forgotten how dark it was in Chase's bedroom, but I'm more comfortable here. I do miss the music though. But there's still music playing on the TV, just not as loud. The Immortalibus guys' chains are clinking against each other as they walk and I'm watching as the scarf hanging out from the back of the leather pants of one of them sways about. 

Th Immortalibus member with the scarf hanging out his leather pants suddenly stops and turns around to me. "I ain't introduced myself to you yet. I'm Eric." His voice is a lot deeper than I thought it would be. The other band member stops next to him as Eric motions his hand to him. "This is Leon."

Leon is the band member with the black crescent moon painted on his cheek. He slaps a hand on my shoulder and shakes it gently. "Hey. Loved your wicked drumming earlier. Count me as a fan."

"Thanks. You guys were awesome too."

In the bathroom, Chase instantly picks me up by the waist and sits me on the countertop by the sink. I keep moving some part of me because I just can't stop moving - right now I'm bouncing up and down like I'm sitting on a trampoline and there's music booming. My limbs feel restless, but not as restless as they did earlier. When I turn around to look in the mirror, I see my eyes are as wide as they've ever been in my life, and my pupils are dilated. Downing some whiskey, I turn back around to Ace, Chase, Leon, and Eric as they light up their cigarettes.

As Ace passes me the lighter and exhales smoke in a cloud, he starts speaking to me. "So, drummer chick, had some coke, have you?" he asks with a grin. I nod as I light the end of my cigarette, looking into the flame as it dies out and remove my thumb from the flint. Passing the lighter back to him, he takes the cowboy hat from my head and places it back on Chase. "I think the bandana suits her more than the hat," he tells Chase and then looks back at me. "Boyfriend back home?"

Shaking my head, taking a drag of my cigarette, I reply as I exhale my smoke, "if I had a boyfriend, I wouldn't be hanging out with you lot now, would I?"

All four boys laugh and blow out their smoke in clouds. Ace kicks Chase playfully in the leg and Chase looks up at him. "A fun, loyal, quirky, take-no-shit, drummer chick...dude, this girl is an angel." Ace tells Chase, and while Chase laughs - Ace isn't laughing. He's saying it in the most serious tone I've heard on him so far, but I also laugh it off.

When I rest my head back against the mirror, the bathroom door suddenly bursts open and Jace charges in like he's running from someone. But it soon becomes clear that he's excited about something. He's got loads of bits and bobs and some brown stuff, but I don't know what's going on. Him and Ace start talking about something, but I quickly switch off to whatever they're talking about and close my eyes as I listen to the music coming from the TV in the bedroom. Opening my eyes for a brief moment, I see Chase, Ace, Leon, Eric, and Jace all huddled together. This is enough to make me interested and stare at them, trying to figure out what the hell they're doing.

Chase suddenly glances over his shoulder at me, and then glances over a second time after he realises I'm looking. He turns away from the others and walks over to me with a concerned expression. He slaps a hand on either thigh and stands between my legs. I lean forward in interest that he's standing right in front of me and start adjusting his cowboy hat - even though it doesn't need adjusting. I'm fiddling around like a kid : touching his skin, pinching his shoulders, moving his cowboy hat, stroking his cheek - just a curious high and drunk kid.

Chase gives me a wry smile and leans in to kiss me on the cheek. "You're not having any of this stuff, it's not good for you," he says in my ear. I frown at him, confused as to what he's on about.

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