Chapter 41

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Oh my god, I feel so rough. Ughhhh...

Propping myself up on one arm and opening my eyes, I look around the room. 

Shit, ouch! My head is killing me!

There's an unfamiliar feeling in this hotel room, because it's the same, but yet so different. There isn't any of Chase's belongings here, no bottles on the bedside table. I've spent my first night in the room Black Dagger's management arranged for me, but I don't remember getting into bed. I vaguely remember trying my hardest to get back here, but no memory of actually entering the room, or getting into bed.

Looking down at the bottom of the bed, Chase is sprawled out at the bottom, on top of the covers, sleeping on my legs. Now that I've noticed that, I've noticed how dead my legs are. They're numb from his heavy weight being on there for so long. Gently I move them from under him. He moans sleepily and rolls over away from my legs. Clearly he didn't manage to make it back to his room and just passed out on my bed. I don't mind. I mean, I did sleep with him. Being passed out on the same bed as me is nothing compared to that.

I need painkillers, or something to take the pain away from my head. I swear I'm still tipsy from last night. There's no painkillers here, I'm not going to find any in any of the hotel rooms. There's only one thing I can think of : the legendary hangover cure of drinking again when you wake up. I can't see any booze in here, but I know that there's definitely going to be a pick 'n' mix of booze in Chase's room. Usually I'd ask first, but I'm so desperate. I drank way too much last night and now it's come back to bite me in the head.

Pulling the covers back, I stumble out of bed, slowly, because I'm quite dizzy. I've still got Layla's dress on, but it's all creased from me sleeping in it. I'm sure she won't mind. It's very quiet, there's no noise coming from anywhere. I don't even know what time it is. Bending over Chase, I see his key-card sticking out from his pocket and I just pinch it out of there smoothly. Rubbing my eyes, I tip-toe to the bedroom door, and open it quietly.

In the corridor it's also very quiet. It's like I'm the only one awake, and I think I am. One thing I have wondered about is where Black Dagger management and crew are staying? Are they here? On the floor below us? I've never seen them wandering around up here – the highest floor. There were loads of them scurrying about like ants when I had gone backstage with Black Dagger.

Sliding the key-card in the slot, the red lights turn green and the door opens. Tip-toeing in and quietly shutting the door behind me, I have a surge of tingly nervous butterflies in my stomach because it's so quiet. On the bed, Ace and Wolf are lying on there fast asleep. On the armchair, Jace is sat there again, sleeping, with a bottle of whiskey jammed between the armrest and his thigh again. It's actually funny seeing how these guys are always found strewn out sleeping in random places - never actually in the bed or in their own rooms.

Very quietly, holding my breath, I head over to the bedside table, and pick up the first half-full bottle I see. I don't even bother checking first what it is, I just unscrew the lid and gulp some down. Grimacing, I realise it's vodka, but it doesn't matter. I let out a sigh of relief as I move the bottle away from my lips, closing my eyes, and already feeling somewhat better. My hungover state, my bad head, and my tiredness is all making me forget about the fact that Ace, Jace, and Wolf are in here too.

"Yeah, man, that's what I'm talking about." Turning around, I see Jace smiling at me in the armchair, his shades are on so I don't know if he's looking at me, but he must be if he's talking. "Where's Ryder at?"

"Sorry, didn't mean to wake you," I reply in a loud whisper across the room as I head over to Jace. "He's in my room, I think he passed out there last night."

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