Chapter 29

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I stay in the bathroom for a few minutes processing the rush and just appreciating it for a moment. Chase is now standing in front of me, his hands are on my waist, as if he's holding me up, and he's just staring at me. Jace is downing what looks like a bottle of whiskey or rum behind Chase and head-banging to a song that's on the TV in the bedroom. The music sounds so amazing, I just want to bloody dance, and turn that fucking music up. My body feels like it needs to move, my legs need to move, my arms need to move, I need to move.

I make my way back into the bedroom, feeling some sort of euphoric rush. Fumbling on the bed for the remote, being drunk and high on coke, I pick it up and turn the TV up louder. I've got this overwhelming feeling of excitement, an urge to just celebrate nothing, to just dance. A great rock song comes on the music channel and this buzzes me even more.

Gulping down mouthfuls of whiskey, I get up with the bottle still in my hand, and just start to sway my body back and forth. It seems like I just can't dance enough, even though I'm going pretty wild right now. My heart rate is spiking and it feels amazing. I'm so glad I've done coke, I've never felt so amazing! 

Jace is coming out from the bathroom, cheering, and head-banging. Chase isn't as buzzed as we are. Maybe his dose has worn off a bit. He comes over to me and I instantly grab at his body, feeling the sweaty skin slip against my fingers. I've got this overwhelming confidence all of a sudden and it's just mind-blowingly amazing. I pull him closer to me and at first, he seems a little surprised by my sudden grabbing of him.

Yeah, payback for earlier, dick.

Chase looks down at me as I'm trying to urge him to get into it like me and Jace are, but he's a little reluctant. All of a sudden I remember that he likes me, and whether he's trying to get me in my underwear or not, maybe I can do something to lift his mood a little.

Getting on my tip-toes and stretching my body up to reach his height as much as I can, I wrap my arms around his neck, which only urges his head towards mine. Still swaying my body back and forth while on my tip-toes, Chase's hands hold my waist, like he's trying to steady me from falling again. The touch and warmth of his hands feels so much more intense than it did before. Although I'm now right in front of his face, he seems to be leaning his head back as much as he can to look at me, and is smirking...shocker.

"Uh, what are you doing?" he asks with a tinge of confusion.

"I want to make you happier!" I shout enthusiastically.

Chase moves his face right in front of mine and his arms slide around my waist, squeezing my body closer to his body, so sudden that I gasp. "Oh really? How you gonna do that?" His hot whiskey breath is exhaling right onto my face and the moment just seems so intense right now, but it's only feeding my excitement.

I've never been so romantic like this with a boy before, even if I am on coke and drunk, it's still the first time I've experienced something so romantic, and it's so exciting for me. I didn't even know I was capable of being romantic, or seductive, or whatever the hell you call what I'm doing right now. This coke is showing a side of me I've never seen before and whether it suits me or not I'm loving it.

My fingers run through his messy blonde hair, his charming blue eyes are flicking from one of my eyes to the other rapidly, my body is pressed up against his, with his arms squeezing my body tightly. The excitement just overloads me and as Chase smirks, I smirk back. Grabbing his jaw, I urge his head towards mine, and I just kiss him. No care in the world, no embarrassment, no awkwardness. Nothing.

Chase's lips are so soft, like, really soft. They're also kind of wet from drinking from the bottle of whiskey, but I don't care. Kissing someone is always great, but this kiss is so amazing that I don't ever want it to end. It just feels so loving, so euphoric, so amazing, so right. I don't know whether it's because it's Chase, or if it's the coke and booze, but it feels amazing. Chase is such a great kisser, but I guess he's had loads of practice with all the girls he's made out with - having the rockstar status and stuff. It literally feels like the world is just melting away right now and I'm melting into Chase. I suppose snogging a rockstar isn't as bad as I thought it would be. 

Chase picks me up using his arms around my waist while we're still kissing, and I can feel my world spinning as he turns around. He gently places me down on the bed and I open my eyes to look at him. I'm lying down on my back on the bed and Chase has one arm under my back, and another stroking the hair to the side of my face. He leans over me, kisses me again, and soon I can feel the fiddling of his fingers on my jean buttons. But I'm not so easily won over, not even when I'm high or drunk apparently  - which surprises me.

My hand slaps on top of the hand he has on my jeans to stop him and he pulls his lips from mine to look at me with a cheeky smirk. God, I want to, I really want to, but not like this. He's so bloody attractive, like melt-in-your-mouth attractive, but I'm not going to give him that pleasure of allowing him to get what he wants so easily.

Chase bites down on his bottom lip and smirks again. " seduce me, then won't let me do what you've got me wanting to do to you?" He sighs and then takes his hand from underneath mine, placing it on top of mine instead. "That's cool, I can wait. I like the excitement you're building, it's driving me wild." He smirks and I can't help but smirk back.

That damned smirk.

Sitting upright, I pick up the bottle of whiskey and down mouthfuls down as Jace is just dancing by himself. He's head-banging so much and jumping up and down, playing an imaginary guitar in his hands. I'm bouncing, literally bouncing – my legs are bouncing up and down like I'm impatient when really I'm just so hyped up with this amazing buzz I got right now. Kissing Chase was amazing though, I have to admit. I'm glad he wasn't pushy about me not letting him in my jeans because I probably would have punched the guy.

I'm so bored, I want to find Layla.

Standing up, I turn around to Chase, who's sitting on the edge of the bed looking up at me, still smirking teasingly at me. "Lay, I want Lay," I say, but I'm too hyped to wait for a reply so I turn around and start to literally skip towards the bedroom door. "Come on!" I shout into the bedroom to Jace and Chase.

A hand grabs my shoulder as I reach the bedroom door and I spin around to see Chase. He's got his cowboy hat on and this time it's me who picks up the cowboy hat from his head and puts it on mine. Jace is standing to the side of him and they both look to each other and smirk at what I've done. I raise my eyebrows to them and turn around to open the bedroom door. 

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