Chapter 27

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About half an hour passes and I'm really starting to get drunk. I'm wondering where the hell Chase has gone because he's been gone for such a long time and I'm feeling pretty bored without anyone to talk to. Maybe going to go and look for him or anyone would be a good idea, I've been in here long enough on my own, and I'm feeling pretty lonely.

Gulping some booze down, I get onto my feet and sway for a moment, tightening my eyelids and grimacing as I rebalance myself using the bed. Now steady enough, I head towards the bedroom door, completely forgetting about the paparazzi person that had made their way into the hotel earlier. Opening the bedroom door, I look both ways - like I'm driving my car for some reason, looking out for oncoming danger. Satisfied that the coast is clear, I head over to the room I had seen Jace, Ace, Bill, and Wolf go in to earlier.

Just as my hand is about to push down on the handle of the bedroom door, it swings open a bit - the bedroom door was already open. I'm not one to intrude on people's privacy, but I only want to peek to see if anyone is in here because I'm confused as to where the hell everyone has disappeared to. As the door opens, I step inside and I can hear two men swearing.

All I can hear is "Fuck. Shit. Fuck."

So I'm convinced that whoever it is is having a hard time doing something together, I'm not sure what. Maybe they've lost something and are looking for it, or trying to do something, or maybe even something bad has happened. But as I'm about to see around the corner into the rest of the bedroom, I nearly trip over myself and cling to the wall and look down at my feet to steady myself quickly. When I straighten myself back up, I close my eyes and gulp down more booze. Opening my eyes as alcohol pours down my throat like silk, I almost choke and booze spills down my chin. I use my other hand to cup over my chin to catch the spilled booze and look away instantly.

At the foot of the bed, on the footstool, is a guy with black teased-out hair and Ace, sitting next to each other, with two girls on their knees in front of them, giving them head. Wolf and two other guys with black teased-out hair are lying on the bed behind them, cosying up with three girls between them. They're kissing, touching, doing whatever the hell they're doing. I'm so embarrassed for walking in on this right now, and I don't even know if they saw me, but I need to get out of here right now. Why am I even in here? Grimacing to myself, I start to walk away when...


Hearing someone say my name, I stay still, but I dare not turn around. A hand touches my shoulder and I jump and spin around so quickly that I nearly fall backwards, but someone pulls my leather jacket so that I don't. Looking up, I see Chase. He looks much better than he did before, not so ill, with colour in his cheeks. He smirks at me, but I'm so awkward about seeing what I just saw that I'm really still trying to process the bizarre sight I'm not used to seeing. I've just realised that the guys with black teased-out hair are the members from Immortalibus. I didn't even know they were here. Well... now I do.

"I was just about to come back," Chase says calmly, like there isn't some sort of orgy going on in the background behind him.

It's a strange sight. I'm not exactly used to such weird experiences and have never witnessed anything like that in my life. I've heard about it, seen it in films,  but never thought I'd walk in on one myself. I'm glad I wasn't invited, or even knew where most the band members of Black Dagger and Immortalibus were. I'm not even sure why Chase is in here. Did he gain something from one of the girls? Or did he watch? I don't even know.

My stomach is turning, but it's not because of what I saw. Frankly, I don't even care about that anymore, I'm so hungry. If I don't eat something soon, I'm sure that I'm going to vomit or start having bad stomach cramps that will force me to stop drinking and endure these moments sober. "I'm so hungry," I blurt out. "Do you have room service here?"

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