Chapter 35

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The limo stops. The limo driver gets out from the limo. The security guys open the limo door and instantly rush out. Chase is moving towards the door and I follow anxiously. This lavish life is complicated and makes my anxiety spike. Chase gets out from the limo, standing by the door, and taking off his leather jacket. Straight away, as soon as I step out the limo, his leather jacket goes over my head. He's holding it tight enough to cover my face and making sure it doesn't slip off to reveal my identity, but not enough to smother me, thankfully. I can hear bustling people, chanting Black Dagger, Black Dagger, Black Dagger. People calling for Chase, cheering, screaming, cameras snapping photos. This is ridiculous and now I'm caught in it. People are only usually caught in this when they mean something to the celebrity, but I don't mean anything to Chase. I'm just a girl he barely knows, taking on a date.

Chase's hand is on my back, guiding me, then the leather jacket is finally removed. We're inside a really nice place. It's dimly lit in here, but it's really setting the mood. There's a tall ceiling with extravagant designs carved into it - gorgeous religious artwork. Beautiful, red, glass pendant lights hanging down. Timeless dark-red walls. A long, curved, red, glossy bar, and tables scattered around the enormous room. Despite how big the place is the amount of tables doesn't exactly fill the place. It seems like a very stylish, modern, expensive looking restaurant. The scent of food lingering in the air smells really good though.

Much to my surprise - we're not even going to be sitting in here. As we follow a waitress, Chase places a hand on my back again and we walk through the eating area where everyone else is sat with their meals. I can't help but notice the looks being shot our way - specifically at Chase - from numerous people in the restaurant. People staring, whispering to each other while their eyes still look at us. Even the staff are looking and then looking away quickly, trying not to hold their stares. I can't believe I'm here with Chase - in public. I hope people aren't thinking I'm some stripper, hooker, or groupie. That's the last thing I want people thinking about me.

We get lead through a corridor at the back, where no customers seem to be going, and barely any staff rushing around. Then into a small room to the left through double doors. A lovely room, dimly lit again, but very wonderful. It still has dark-red walls, red pendant lights hanging down from the ceiling, and extravagant designs in the now lower ceiling. But there is only one table in here and that is in a long, curved, red velveteen booth at the back. It has a small red pendant light hanging above the table, creating a lovely, bright enough light to brighten up the area. In the middle of the room is a table with vase that has gorgeous crimson peonies inside and red candles lit around the table.

The waitress walks over to the booth, we follow. Or rather - Chase follows her and I follow him. The waitress stands to the side of the booth as Chase slides in and I slide in after him. This seating is so soft and comfy, it's like a dream. It's so beautiful in here, I've never experienced being to such a lovely place. I know we're in Cardiff but I don't even know what or where this place this is. Having my sight covered didn't do any favours. I have to find out about this place. Me and Layla need to come here sometime. We probably wouldn't have the option of booking this room because it's probably private, but it's still nice in the main part.

The waitress positions herself in front of the table and smiles politely as she hands us menus each. "Good evening, can I get you any drinks?" she asks in her best polite customer service voice.

Chase looks at me and smiles. "What would you like?"

How very gentleman-like of him to let me go first.

Looking at the waitress and smiling politely, I say, "uh, um, I'll have, um, a margarita please." Finally, I got it out.

"Five martinis," says Chase, sounding like he decided what he was having the minute he woke up.

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