Chapter 39

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A noise awakens me from the sleep I didn't even mean to fall into, but I'm so tired, I'm reacting so slowly. The light is turned on. Was the light turned on before I fell asleep? I can't remember. How long have I been sleeping for? I'm in such a daze, I'm so confused at what's going on. I can hear noises in the bedroom, presumably Chase, so I ignore them, closing my eyes again from exhaustion.

Then I hear deep, throaty, masculine chuckles - more than one. Raising my head slightly, tightening my eyelids at the bright light, I look into the rest of the room. To my shock and embarrassment Wolf and Ace are in here. They're sitting on the edge of the bed - the bed I'm lying in - and just having a normal conversation. Whether they noticed me or not, I'm dumbfounded on what to do, or what to say. I mean...this is weird.

Sitting up, I pull the covers right up to my chest to avoid the risk of exposing anything and just stare blankly at them for a moment. Deciding that I need to get their attention somehow, I clear my throat, and they both turn around to face me. Grins instantly appear.

"Well, looks like Chase got lucky," Ace says through his beaming grin. "How was he? Big dick? He's got the biggest out of all of us. We once had a competition and measured all our dicks next to each other and..."

I instantly throw my hand up, showing him my palm and grimacing. With a laugh uncontrollably escaping from inside me, Wolf laughs too. "I, err, don't really want to hear about your dick sizes," I scoff through a giggle. "But thanks for the info, I guess."

"Where the fuck is Chase, man?" Wolf asks. "Dude, he fucks you, then disappears for so long that you fell asleep. Or did he wear you out?"

Ace and Wolf both laugh together, then Wolf looks at the bathroom door, and instantly gets up to go over to it. That's where Chase was last, but he must have been in there for so long for me to fall asleep. I'd love to know what the hell he's doing in there for such ridiculously long periods of time. I need to ask him. I don't understand what the hell he's doing that takes so bloody long.

Wolf opens the bathroom door, starts talking to Chase – who I can't see from here - chuckles, then pulls out a box of cigarettes from his pocket, and shuts the bathroom door. I'm still naked, and now that I know everyone's back here, I need to get dressed. As soon as possible.

Ace is taking off his shirt right at the end of the bed, throwing it on the floor, and exhaling a long sigh as he flicks his long, wavy black hair to fall over his back. Then he makes a sudden, sharp noise that sounds like he's just remembered about something. He glances over his shoulder at me, grins, then gets up from the bed.

Ace walks around the side of the bed to me, while I'm clutching the covers to my chest, desperately wishing that I don't accidentally expose myself. He's holding something in his hand, I can see a teal-coloured material clutched in his palm. He stands by the bed for a moment, stretches out his arm to me, then opens his fingers to show me what he's got. It's a bandana. A teal-coloured bandana with black and dark-blue paisley patterns on it. I look up at him, confused as to why he's showing me this, frowning and cocking my head to the side like a dog who's tripping out.

Ace smirks and nods at the bandana. "Saw this in a shop. Me and the boys thought of you," he says. "It's yours. You're the coolest chick we've met and any girl who can jam to our songs like that the way Wolf does, deserves a bandana." He leans forward and puts the bandana to my head, tying the back of it, then leaning back and smiling in pride at how I look. "You look awesome. I'll go join Wolf and Chase in the bathroom to leave you get dressed."

As Ace walks around the bed to the bathroom door and puts his hand on the handle, I call out to him. He stops and looks at me. "Thank you," I say with a half-smirk.

Ace nods, smiles, opens the bathroom door, and goes inside. As soon as the bathroom door shuts, I throw the covers off me, leap to my feet, and rush to my dress that's on the floor at the end of the bed. Picking it up, I quickly put it on, and then remember that my knickers are on the fucking bed somewhere. Great. Rushing to find my underwear, I throw the duvet in all directions, trying to look for them desperately. I've got this really bad feeling that someone's going to come in at any moment now, and I can't find my knickers anywhere. Although nobody can see anything unless I go in a bad position, it's still an uncomfortable feeling walking around with a dress on knowing I've got no underwear on underneath.

My heart is pounding against my chest, I'm so out of breath from looking for my underwear so quickly, and I still haven't found them. Then the bathroom door opens and Wolf sticks his head out the door. I'm trying to look as normal as possible - sitting on the edge of the bed, one leg over the other, looking completely worry-free. Wolf holds up a pack of cigarettes and shakes the box at me, obviously inviting me for a cigarette in the smoker's bathroom. As long as I play it smart and cool, they won't know I have no knickers on, and I can ask Chase where he put them when given a good chance. Smiling, I nod and get up to go in the bathroom.

In the bathroom, Chase is sitting on the floor, leaning against the bathtub. He looks really mellowed out. I'm starting to think that he's coming in the bathroom to do drugs because he always seems much more relaxed after being to the bathroom. Ace is sorting lines of coke on the toilet seat cover, Wolf is standing beside him. I stand with the bottom of my back pressed against the edge of the bathroom countertop. Wolf turns around and offers the open box of cigarettes to me. I carefully pick one out as he also passes me a lighter. Taking the lighter from him, I nod gratefully at him, place the cigarette between my lips, and light it up.

Looking down at Chase as I exhale my cloud of smoke, he's looking at me - but not at my face. He's looking between my legs and it soon becomes painfully obvious where he's really looking. He can see up my dress from where he's sitting. Chase looks up at me, smirks gently, and raises his eyebrows at me. I bite down on my lip in embarrassment and shake my head at him in hopes that he'll shut up about it. Amused by this, he lets his head fall back, bites his lip, and continues to look up my dress.

While Chase is doing this, I'm shaking my head at him and smiling playfully, trying to get him to stop looking. Wolf is flicking glances at me and Chase, obviously trying to understand what's going on with us as we share some rude unspoken joke. Ace is bending down now, snorting his lines of coke up from the toilet seat, then Wolf follows him - bending down and snorting it right up his nostrils. Ace moves out the way, shouldering Wolf to the side, and is motioning his hands at the toilet seat - at a line of coke. He's raising his eyebrows at me, indicating that the line of coke is for me. I'm not sure how I feel about doing coke for second night, so I'm not sure if I should. I'm hesitating.

For a moment I just stare, taking a drag of my cigarette, and then I slowly step towards it. It's like I'm unconsciously moving towards it, like my body is saying yes, but my mind is hesitating. I had some pretty good fun last night on it and it's not like I'm addicted or abusing it at all. I didn't realise coke would be able to seduce me after just one time of doing it, making me crave that extraordinary excitement and confidence I had last night. I can feel Chase's eyes on me and when I turn around to glance at him quickly, he doesn't exactly look the happiest about me approaching the cocaine. But he quickly masks his true feelings as soon as I look at him by moving his eyes to under my dress again and smirking playfully.

Slowly I kneel down, making sure not to bend over because I don't want my private part to be shown. With eyes on the line, I hold one nostril shut, and just snort it up quickly. It goes straight to my head. The light-headedness gives me a sudden flashback of last night and I instantly do the same thing : back up against the wall and slink down to the floor. I've got such a euphoric dizzy feeling and it feels amazing. I'm really loving doing coke, but I know I won't get addicted - if I'm careful enough. Small lines to give me a bit of a buzz for the time-being are good enough. I won't take it further than that.

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