Chapter 15

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Everyone's talking, laughing, and generally just having a good time. Layla is even having conversations with other members of the band - other than Jackson. I'm just sitting between Chase and Wolf, quietly drinking my alcohol without saying anything and listening to their conversations. Mostly, I'm listening to Chase, Jackson, Wolf, and Ace's American accents. I've watched American movies and TV shows, but I've never heard an American speak around me in person before, and it's actually fascinating for some reason. I don't know if that reason is because I'm getting drunk, or it's genuinely just fascinating to a Welsh girl.

Layla is drunk - like, really drunk. She's got her head leaning on Jackson's shoulder and her eyes are closed – something she does a lot when she's drunk. Wolf is attached at the lips with the unknown woman sitting between him and Jackson. Ace is untying his bandana and Chase is taking off his cowboy hat ; they swap head accessories, both laughing as they do it. Chase pulls the bandana against his forehead, tying it at the back of his head and he looks just as good in the bandana as he does in his cowboy hat. Ace is pulling the cowboy hat down his face and sticking his middle finger up to Chase. Everyone is really drunk and it seems like I'm the only one who's not quite there yet. The feelings of nervousness have faded away, but I'm just quietly observing everything that's going on around me and wondering what fun I can have here to keep myself entertained. These boys are cool, but I doubt they can excite me in any way.

The guitarist with the shades makes an appearance by our booth, with his arm around a girl who's full of teasing smiles as she looks around at the band members in the group. The guitarist stands there for a moment with his face turned to Ace. Looking down at Ace, he realises that Ace has no idea that he's standing in front of him because the cowboy hat is pulled all the way down his face. The guitarist lowers his hand underneath the cowboy hat and flips it up. The cowboy hat flings up in the air and Ace jumps in fright at the sudden move. The unknown guitarist laughs deeply and Chase joins in, throwing his head back in laughter and slapping Ace's face.

"What the fuck, man!" Ace shouts as he bends down to retrieve the cowboy hat from the floor.

The guitarist looks at me and smirks, before turning his attention back to Ace and Chase. "I'm heading up to the room. Ace, you wanna join or what man?" he asks, raising eyebrows, and jerking his head to the girl.

Ugh. Do I even want to know what he means?

Ace looks at Chase with a huge grin and then eyes the woman up and down, before getting to his feet and placing the cowboy hat back on his head. "Yeah, see you assholes later," he says to everyone, before looking at Chase. "Thirty mins, yeah, man?"

Chase nods and sticks his thumb up to Ace. Thirty minutes for what? Ace looks at me, touches his fingertips on the rim of the cowboy hat, nods and smirks at me, before turning around and walking off with the guitarist and the other unknown girl. I'm not sure what's going on, or what they're talking about, but I'm feeling the effects of the Jägermeister really starting to kick in now. My head is going foggy and my vision is slow, but I'm beginning to enjoy myself. Not because I'm in the presence of Black Dagger, with a really handsome band member next to me, or because I'm in some stylish hotel with Layla. I'm enjoying because there's great music and I'm drinking my favourite alcoholic drink - this is the sort of vibe I love.

Layla is now kissing Jackson and they're really going for gold with their mouths. Ace and that guitarist (whose name I don't know yet) have gone up to their room with some girl. Wolf is having his thigh rubbed by the girl between him and Jackson, and their faces are right next to each other's, clearly talking and flirting. I'm feeling really awkward sitting next to Chase and not doing anything. I don't want to do anything like everyone else is doing, but I'm getting an uncomfortable feeling that Chase wants to. I stare at the red and black leather bracelets stacked on Chase's wrist and wonder, yet again, how I'm even here.

Chase turns to me, his charming smirk present, and his smoky blue eyes trying to stay focused on mine. But he's drunk, so his eyes are closing, and then opening as he's looking at me. He's literally about to say something, I'm waiting for him, but as he's looking at me, he suddenly looks at something that has caught his attention at the corner of his eye. I follow his gaze and see Layla and Jackson standing up, making their way away from the booth and Layla is turning around and waving at me. I'm frowning and shaking my head at her because I think it's a bad idea, but she's all smiles as she walks away and completely ignores me -which only pisses me off.

Huffing, I rub my hands down my face. I'm too drunk to be as angry as I should be and I can't help but start giggling to myself at the irony of Layla walking off with her favourite rockstar. Propping my head on my hands, I close my eyes and try to brush off the fact that I'm now starting to get a bit bored. Everyone is hooking up with somebody, my best friend has gone, and I'm now starting to feel the urge to do something wild and fun, but there's nothing to do, and it's boring doing it alone.

"You wanna go up to my room?" Chase asks innocently.

Looking at him, I try to respond, but I'm shocked by the question because I don't want to do anything like that with him, so I'm unsure of his intentions. "I, um...I don't...I don't know..." I manage.

He smirks and slaps a hand on my thigh. The heat of his hand through my jeans is once again distracting and I want to move his hand away for touching me without my permission, but I also want it keep it there because it feels nice. Chase is now grinning and shaking his head. "Don't worry, it's not like that. That's where your friend's gone. You're a weird chick," he says amusingly as he starts shuffling out from the booth and stands up. Looking at me, he raises his eyebrows and smirks again. "You coming?"

Now feeling more confident, I shuffle out from the booth to follow Chase, which I don't even know if it's a good idea, but I'm drunk. Besides, what could possibly go wrong with a group as famous as Black Dagger? They seem nice enough and completely harmless.

I follow Chase outside the bar room. When we're in the corridor just outside the bar room, Chase turns around to look at me and slows down so that I'm walking beside him. I was walking so slow behind him because I was thinking about something, but I can't seem to remember what it was now. My leather jacket is draped over my arm, the bottle of Jägermeister is in my hand. It's strange walking next to this handsome topless boy, with a bandana tied around his head, knowing that hours ago I'd seen him on stage in front of thousands of people playing guitar. He's so handsome though : with his messy, wavy, medium-length, light-brown hair. Smoky, dark-,blue hooded eyes. Chiselled jaw and cheekbones, and attractive crimson full pouty lips. Looking up at him as he looks at the way ahead, reality hits me, and I'm wondering why Chase Ryder – of Black Dagger – picked me and Layla to come here. 

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