Chapter 9

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The next evening, we're getting ready for Black Dagger's concert and I swear to God the butterflies in my stomach are multiplying. But there's one thing on my mind, one thing that I had hoped would have gone away by today : Chase. He's been on my mind non-stop and I don't know why he's had such an effect on me, it's so strange. I blame his charisma. Yeah, his charisma was almost hypnotic - even in the drunken state that he was. Despite how much he had an effect on me, I'm really wishing that I don't bump into him today. For some reason, I just want to avoid meeting him again. This always happens to me – a boy likes me, thinks I'm pretty, wants to see me - and I avoid him as much as I can. I don't have a proper explanation for it because I'm not entirely sure of the reasoning behind my avoidance of affections myself. Layla reckons I'm closing myself down all the time because I'm scared of getting hurt, but I don't agree nor disagree with the answer, so it's hard to say what the exact reason is.

We had brunch earlier, then nosed around some shops but didn't buy anything, and then had a steak meal in a really nice restaurant that wasn't cheap. Me and Layla aren't being so strict with our money spending because we agree that we never usually do anything like this and we'd like to make the most of it - no matter the cost. We talked about seeing a concert, going out for dinners in fancy restaurants and going shopping when we were eighteen, but we never got around to it. Black Dagger being Layla's favourite band and playing in Cardiff this year was the perfect opportunity to do all of this and of course, we snatched that opportunity right up as if it was a fragile object falling to the ground and in danger of smashing to pieces. Cardiff is a lovely place with lots of things to do here, but I wouldn't live here. As nice as it is to spend some time in the city, it's not my sort of environment to live in. It's just so busy and loud here all the time with all the cars and people and events that go on here. It's nice to come here for a little while though.

"Okay, no, you're not doing that, you're not tying up your hair tonight." Layla shakes her head as she charges towards me with open arms, ready to reach up and pull the bobble from my hair. As she comes within 2ft of me, I step backwards to the bathroom, keeping my eyes on her. Layla frowns and charges faster. "Monica, you always have your bloody hair tied up mun. It's beautiful and so voluminous, leave it down so everyone can appreciate the natural beauty of your hair." I stop for her and roll my eyes as she flusters around me, tutting and pulling the bobble gently from my hair. My long curls fall down over my shoulders and down my chest, Layla fusses with them before moving in front of me and grinning. "See? There we are mun, you look so pretty and your hair is amazing, Mon."

"You got the tickets?" I ask as I walk into the bathroom to put some makeup on. I've got mixed feelings about the concert and I hope that it all goes well because it's my first concert and a great band. Twisting the top of the mascara and pulling out the brush, I lean into the bathroom mirror and apply four coats of mascara.

"Aye, course I have mun," Layla calls back from the bedroom excitedly. "Hurry up, Mon. It's nearly six p.m. We've got to be there early enough so it's not too much hassle!"

Applying an extra coat of my Russian red lipstick on carefully, I smack my lips together and take a look at myself properly in the mirror. I'm so excited but yet so anxious for the concert and those feelings aren't mixing well. It's creating a weird sort-of worried look on my face that I've never seen before, and it really doesn't suit me. I've got a black off-the-shoulder crop top on with skinny dark-blue denim jeans and paired with black flat ankle boots. My long, light-brown, curly hair is falling loosely over my shoulders – thanks to Layla, who wouldn't let me tie it up. I've got a bit of foundation on, Russian red lipstick, and mascara. I haven't applied too much mascara because I couldn't be bothered, but I've applied enough to make my blue eyes 'pop'.

Walking out from the bathroom, Layla walks past me to go in for a quick pee before we leave. She looks great. She has her black loose Black Dagger tank top on, skinny black jeans and black knee-length flat boots. Layla looks like a true fan – dressed for the concert of her favourite rock band. I head to the armchair by the table in the corner of the room and pick up my leather jacket.

Once I've slipped on my leather jacket, I gently untuck my hair from inside my leather jacket and give a sigh as Layla walks out from the bathroom. This is it. This is the moment we're leaving for - my first ever concert - and I couldn't be any more nervous. Layla is doing a weird strut around the room as she fusses with the things she needs to sort out and take with us before we leave, it's a sort-of strut that makes her seem like she's bobbing up and down and doing a little dance the same time. Unknown to Layla, I'm smiling to myself at her little excited strut because it's the happiest strut I've ever seen her do.

Layla slips on her dark-blue denim jacket and her cheeks flush with colour as she stops moving and glares at me. A smirk is creeping along the corners of her mouth. "Ready?"

Nodding to her, she grins and squeals as she walks to the door. My heart does a backflip and my stomach has butterflies multiplying in my guts as I follow her, taking a deep breath and trying to hold back the overwhelming nervous emotions I feel right now.

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