Chapter 10

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We had been waiting in mental queues to get into the stadium. There's loads of people here, more than I could have possibly thought there would be. I'm sure that I'm starting to feel sick, but I keep getting distracted by the crowds of loud and pushy people around me to take too much notice of the faded sickness I feel. Layla had pulled out our tickets whilst we waited in the queues and were nearing the entrance, she gave mine to me and I stared non-stop at it whilst the queue moved and I moved with it. In that moment, as the queue moved and I stared at the concert ticket, I appreciated holding my first ever concert ticket. It was a weird feeling, an amazing one, to be holding my first ever rock concert ticket and in that moment, I knew that being here would change my life forever. This first concert would make its mark on my life in the most memorable of ways.

After navigating our way through a heavy load of people and pushing our way through hastily, we finally find our places at the front, right in front of the tall stage. Security men are scattered everywhere : in front of the stage, on the stage, around the stage. Everything is set up on stage : a drum kit in a teal-blue colour, three guitars are leaning up neatly against a rack next to the drum kit, big black amps and lots of other musical equipment. There's three microphones on tall stands near to the front of the stage : one in the middle – of course, one directly in front of me and Layla near the side of the stage, and another one on the other side of the stage. We obviously have a great view of one of the guitarists right in front of us and Layla is thriving from it ; she's definitely living her best life right now. We stand still, gazing around, as Layla is squealing to herself and pointing at the middle mic.

"Eeeeek! We've got a perfect view of Jackson Ellis!" Layla sounds like a broken microphone with all that squealing she's doing through the bustling noise of people settling in the stadium around us. "I can't believe this happening right now, this is really happening! We're seeing Black Dagger... and we're in the front row!" She fusses with her phone in her pocket and takes it out, snapping a photo of the empty stage with a huge grin and once again squealing.

I'm not sure how I feel now. I'm not certain whether I feel excited, nervous, scared or happy - or all four. It's getting dark but it's not too dark, it's July. The summer has been very hot this year, but that doesn't change how chilly it starts to get when the sky begins to darken. Lots of the people around me have come here with no jackets, but I get cold way too easily, so I'm glad I'm wearing my leather jacket.

I'm looking at the set-up of the drums and thinking of the videos I've watched of many of my favourite bands playing live, thinking of the drummer having the time of his life playing the drums and revelling in his beats. It makes me itch seeing that wonderful teal-blue drum kit up there. I've always appreciated the drummers in bands, they bring the beat of the song and the song wouldn't be the same without that special beat. Drummers are the life of the music, they bring the heartbeat of the song. Guitarists are the souls, they give the song meaning. Singers are the spirits, they give the song consciousness. Curiosity overshadows my nervousness as I stare at the cymbals of the drum kit and start wondering if I have what it takes to be as great as the drummers I've seen videos of, to be as great as my favourite drummers. I've never put thought into it, or any at all, until now. Imagining myself on the drum set, I decide to pay some close attention to the drummer when he comes on stage and Black Dagger start their concert.

Half an hour passes, the stadium is crammed with thousands of people and the blue and white spotlights pointing around the stage have come on. More bright spotlights at the front of the stage come on and everyone starts cheering like crazy. Everyone is bustling and the security men are coming close to the barriers in front of us with sharp eyes, in case of any lunatic fans who decide to jump the barriers and crash the stage on which Black Dagger will be standing on any moment now. I don't know much about concerts, but I can tell by the whole stadium's reactions that Black Dagger is coming on really soon. They're a bit late, but it's not too late.

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