Chapter 17

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Within minutes, Ace and the other guitarist walk into the lounge, they're bumping into each other, clearly drunk as hell, laughing their heads off. Ace bumps his shoulder into the other guitarist harshly - on purpose - and knocks him to the floor. Everybody is watching them and laughing hysterically as Ace stands there for a moment, and is laughing so much with his eyes closed, he's almost falling backwards. The other guitarist stumbles to his feet, using the wall for support and runs into Ace, knocking him to the floor. They're rolling around on the floor, punching each other and throwing each other off - all the while laughing hysterically.

The cowboy hat falls a couple of steps away from Ace and the guitarist on the floor as they fight each other. Chase leaps to his feet and walks over there, bending down and retrieving the cowboy hat from the floor. With the bandana still tied around his head, he places the hat on his head and throws his arm out to everyone as he struts towards us with a grin - with Ace and the guitarist still fighting behind him on the floor. Chase sits back down next to me, downing some booze down and then slumping back, replacing his hand on my thigh - much to my surprise. The guy next to Wolf has his eyes closed and his head fallen back, I think he's sleeping but nobody is taking notice of him. Everyone is just watching Ace and the guitarist.

Finally they stop fighting and get up to head over to the sofa that Layla and Jackson are sitting on. Ace sits next to Layla, while the other guitarist knocks his knee against the table, kicks it in annoyance, then continues his way toward the bar. Going behind the bar, he bends down, disappearing from sight for a moment, before standing up straight and heading over to the sofa where Layla and Jackson is sitting, He's holding two beers in his hands and when he sits down next to Jackson, he throws one in the air across the table to Ace. Nearly hitting Chase, he ducks and Ace manages to grab the bottle - despite how drunk he is. It soon becomes clear that these band members really don't care if anything gets broken and are just chancing anything with mischievous smirks on their faces.

"Who's your girl, Ryder?" the guitarist shouts across to Chase as he opens his bottle of beer. He looks at me and smirks. His shades have fallen off in the fight he was having with Ace and now I can see his wide green eyes clearly. "She the one who didn't know who you were?"

Chase starts chuckling. "Yeah, that's her. Monique," he replies, then turns to me. "That's Jace, our bassist. I know what you're thinking : Ace, Chase, and Jace. It sounds fucking stupid, I know."

"Actually, it's Monica," I correct Chase and say to Jace. "Nice to meet you."

Jace chuckles and gulps down some beer, then raises his bottle to me and Chase. "Likewise...Monica. I like your attitude, girl," he says humorously and then drinks more beer. It seems that everyone in Black Dagger seems to share the same attitude and now I'm starting to realise why they get along so well.

Chase's hand is still on my thigh and I'm realising - whether he realises he's doing it or not - he's squeezing my thigh sometimes. I think he might be doing by accident though, because he seems to be doing it whenever he laughs, but there's also times he's doing it when he's not laughing. I'm not sure why his hand on my thigh has such an effect on me, but I've gotten to the point where I'm just going to leave it there and hope it doesn't have more of an effect me the drunker I get.

Layla is snuggling right up to Jackson, her head resting on his shoulder and her arm across his stomach. Soon Wolf realises that the guy he brought in here with him is fast asleep next to him and starts shaking the guy harshly, but he's not waking up. Wolf gets to his feet and stands in front of the guy, kicking him in the legs, but he's still not waking up. The guy is gaping as he snores and is just completely passed out. Wolf is laughing hysterically and it catches Chase's attention as he leans forward to look across me. Soon, Ace leans forward in interest and when he realises, he stands up, wobbles a bit, and then steadies his balance.

"Hey man, get a load of this guy," Wolf says. "He's totally out of it."

Ace stumbles his way between Chase and the table and stops right in front of me, right by Wolf's side. Chase soon stands up, removing his hand from my thigh, and I find myself wanting him to put it back there. The warmth of his hand was comforting and I'm strangely disappointed that it's no longer there. Jace stands up and I see him peeking over Wolf's shoulder at the guy as the four of them stand there and stare at the random passed out guy. They all start laughing hysterically and do all sorts of things to the guy to wake him up : poke him, stick a finger in his mouth, pinch his nose shut, kick him, shake him. None of those things wake him up, they only make him twitch or make noises, but he stays fast asleep.

"Get a load of this guy falling asleep in our lounge," Chase says with a spiteful grin and pointing at the guy. "Who the fuck is this guy anyway?"

"Yeah, who the fuck is this guy, man?" Ace asks with his voice raising louder.

"I don't know, man. He followed me up here so I just let him. He was pretty out of it when he followed me," Wolf explains, shrugging his shoulders. "I had a laugh with him, but I don't know who the fuck he is."

"Hey man, you know what we should do?" says Jace, getting hyped up and attracting all three of the others' attention. "Give him a bath."

This gets all three of the others hyped up too and they all start laughing, downing their drinks and then placing them on the table. Ace takes Chase's cowboy hat and places it on his head with a huge grin. If Ace wasn't so drunk, I'm pretty sure he'd be bouncing off the walls. It's actually really comical seeing them all hyped up about whatever mischievous thing they are about to do, it's clear that they do things like often.

Ace bends down and lifts up the guy's legs as Chase steps over them and starts pulling the guy's body to the side. He lifts up the guy by his shoulders as Ace lifts his legs and Ace starts to walk backwards. I pull my legs up onto the sofa to allow them passage as they carry this guy off through the lounge, both laughing non-stop, with Wolf and Jace behind them and also laughing. I'm finding the whole thing funny as hell, so is Jackson and Layla. Chase glances over his shoulder at me and jerks his head, motioning for me to follow them. Looking over quickly at Layla and Jackson as they laugh, I get up from the sofa to follow the four band members out from the lounge. 

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