Chapter 19

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Moments later, Ace runs back in the room and me and Chase look at him - while I'm still dancing and Chase is still playing. Ace is holding his own guitar. He leans against the wall by the side of the bathroom door to support his drunken self and pulls his strap over his head. Chase stops playing, Ace nods at Chase and Chase starts playing again. First the playing is slow, then as soon as he plays faster Ace joins in and the sound is amazing. It sounds even better than before and the vibe in the bedroom right now is blowing drunk me away. We're all jerking our heads forward in rhythm to the music, completely drunk, loving the vibe, loving the music. I've never been in such a blissful moment when I've been drunk, probably because I've never been drunk in a room with two professional guitar players, playing their guitars right in front of me.

With the bedroom filled with music and sharing a vibe with two guitar players as they jam a tune together, I'm in my element and I feel like I'm going to lose my balance at any moment now, but I don't care. I turn around as I'm dancing just in time to see Jace and Wolf coming in the bedroom. They're both hyped up about something and as soon as they see Ace and Chase playing their guitars, they start jerking their heads forward as they move into the room. Wolf heads over to the bedside table and starts smacking his hands on the wood to create some sort-of beat to go with the song as Jace watches them play with his eyes literally twinkling with excitement. I guess if anything was going to make me less awkward and break the ice this would be it.

As I'm dancing, I look over to the bedside table and among the many empty and half-full bottles, I spot a full bottle of vodka and I couldn't crave it any more. But even drunk, I'm not going to ask them for their vodka. There's a bar downstairs so maybe I'll just go down soon and grab a drink from there. With the four of the boys jamming together and me dancing, I start to wonder where the hell Layla and Jackson are and what they're doing, but that thought is short-lived when I'm so out of breath that I just can't do it anymore. I'm also really craving a fag right now.

Breathless, I sit down on the edge of the bed and pull my tobacco pouch from the pocket of my leather jacket to roll a fag. Ace, Wolf, and Chase are still jamming together, with Jace just appreciating it in the corner of the room and grinning widely as he watches them. At this point, I don't think I could be any more comfortable around them.

Chase stops playing and so does Ace, so Wolf stops banging his hands on the wood and starts cheering instead.

"Ain't that the one we worked on a couple of months ago?" Jace asks.

Ace pulls the strap over his head and nods his head, he seems so out of it that I can't believe he's just drunk. It honestly looks like he's on drugs, but I haven't seen him do any, and he was playing the guitar pretty good. "Yeah, hell of a tune, we just need Jackson to write some lyrics for it and get Wolf to work up a beat," he says, his words slurring and his eyes still closed.

Chase puts down his guitar and staggers over to Jace as Wolf makes his way to the bathroom. I'm not sure what they're saying, but I'm just happy to be feeling comfortable with them. Rolling my fag, I glance up as Ace opens his eyes and literally slinks his body along the wall and into the bathroom. Jace slaps Chase on the back as they grin at each other and laugh while they make their way to the bathroom. Chase looks at me briefly as I lick the paper of my fag and holds his index finger up for me to wait. Him and Jace disappear into the bathroom and shut the door behind them - which doesn't bother me at all.

I'm not proud of this, but if there's booze lying around and nobody is there to stop me when I'm drunk, I will drink it if I crave it that much and I'm left unsupervised. I'm also known for wandering off when I'm drunk too, so that doesn't help either. Feeling mischievous and realising that nobody is watching me, I scramble across the bed, my open tobacco pouch falling from my thigh and spilling tobacco over the bed. My opportunity to have that vodka presents itself and I literally scramble across the bed to have that opportunity. I'm so drunk, my limbs are weak. Every time I try to use my hands or my knees for support to hold me up, I collapse and fall on my face - lucky it's a bed and it's soft.

Regardless of how much of a struggle it is, I make it to the bedside table and manage to get on my knees. Looking around with spinning vision quickly, I grab the bottle of vodka and open it, instantly gulping some down with no problem, despite how strong it is. With the bottle in my hand, it's now time for my curiosity and my need to move to kick in, so I get off the bed. I've only got socks on, but that doesn't bother me.

Waddling to the bedroom door, I open it and leave the bedroom. I don't know why, but the need to walk or move at all when I'm drunk is ridiculous. Being left alone when I'm drunk is always a bad idea, because I'm known for wandering off and being a little curious. There's actually no thoughts in my head at the time, other than : Hmm, what's in this room? or Where does this go? or What does this do? Honestly, I think I'm Alice in Wonderland when I'm drunk.

Feeling the wall as I walk for support, I pull down the handle of the first door I see and to my excitement - it opens. There's music blaring in here and I'm more excited by the booming sounds of the guitar and drums from the rock song that's playing. Swaying and staggering as I try to dance to the music and walk at the same time, taking quick sips of vodka here and there, it soon becomes clear that I've walked into a bedroom but, of course, I don't care. Actually, I've already made up my mind that nobody is in here. There's a small passage with the bathroom on the side and the main bedroom area is straight ahead, behind the corner of the wall of the passage.

I can see papers strewn about on the floor with what looks like writing on them, the glow of the TV that's blasting music, and I'm so busy looking at these as I'm nearing the bed, that when I bring my head up, I'm so shocked that I step backwards and nearly lose my balance. My eyes are wide, my hand is holding the wall for support, my other hand is still pouring vodka down my throat - despite me being in complete shock. Okay, so in front of me, on the bed, is Layla, on top of Jackson, and I'm more shocked than I thought I would be. I've unintentionally walked in on Layla when I've been drunk in her house many times, but the fact that I'm aware that Jackson Ellis is the lead singer of Black Dagger just shocks me even more. They haven't even noticed me or heard me come in because the music is blaring , so I look away and start walking back the way I came from, laughing my head off for some reason. The whole moment of walking in on my best friend having sex with a famous rockstar just makes it incredibly amusing to me for some reason I can't quite figure out.

When I get in the corridor outside the bedroom, I lean up against the door, closing my eyes and laughing to myself. I'm aware that if the other boys notice I've gone missing from the room that they probably won't care to look for me like Layla or friends back home would, but that's completely fine with me. In my mind, I'm having the time of my life, venturing out on my own with a bottle of vodka all for me.

But then I hear a door shutting and, to my surprise, I see Jace and Ace walking down the corridor towards me. I'm not sure if their reasoning for leaving the bedroom was to find me, but they make their way towards me, chuckling at me for some reason. Taking my back away from the door, I begin to make my way towards them and just as I get in front of them, I trip over my own feet and face-plant Chase's bare chest, which is sweatier than I expected it to be. The moisture of his skin makes my face stick against his chest as I palm his chest for support to help myself bring my face away from him. I can feel Chase's hands on my waist, offering more support for me, and again, it's so distracting when he touches me. But I manage to pull myself away and wipe my leather jacket across my face to get rid of the sweat.

"Where've you been sneaking off to?" Jace asks amusingly.

Slurring, I reply, "entered a bedroom, saw Lay and Jackson having sex." And then I start laughing to myself at the bizarre moment again as I recall it in my mind.

Chase slips an arm around my shoulders as he and Jace start chuckling at what I said, laughing about it just as much as me. I'm not feeling anything about Chase's arm around my shoulders, but I am feeling pretty nervous about what the hell I'm going to end up doing tonight that I'll definitely regret in the morning. I just hope that it's not sleeping with any of these boys - that will be the death of me, literally. To other girls, maybe it's not the worst thing that could happen, but to me – it is. Chase's arm is comforting to me and I'm not sure whether that's because I'm drunk or not, but it's giving me a great feeling. 

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