Chapter 33

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After my shower, I'm glad to find that the towel I used yesterday after the shower is still here, folded neatly on the rack like I had done when I was finished with the towel. Drying my body quickly, I feel the drips of my soaking wet curls dropping onto my shoulders and sliding down my arms, making them wet again.

Quickly towel-drying my hair, I then get dressed in the same clothes I've been wearing for the past two days, and feel the surge of excitement of when my clothes arrive so that I can change into fresh clothes and finally wear a bra again. As uncomfortable bras are, I'm more uncomfortable knowing that my boobs are hung freely under this loose top, and that anyone could be noticing that.

Opening the bathroom door, I see Chase sitting on the edge of the bed, elbows on knees, head in hands. He brings his head up as I'm walking towards him and it soon becomes clear that something is wrong, but I'm not sure what. Regardless of how visible it is that something's bothering him, he puts on a clearly forced smirk as he looks at me. The smirk is so forced it actually looks painful. Jace and Ace are no longer in here. It seems like everyone's always appearing then disappearing with no explanation - I suppose this is normal for Black Dagger.

Chase stands up in front of me, still smirking. "Guess I should go for that shower now," he croaks. "You look great with wet hair." He half-smiles and then disappears into the bathroom, with what's left in his bottle of whiskey from last, of course.

Just as I sit down on the bed, hearing the water from the shower hitting the bathtub in the bathroom, there's a knock at the door. Getting up, I open the door and instantly get greeted by the overwhelmingly delicious smell of food. There's a member of staff standing there : a middle-aged woman with brunette hair tied in a low ponytail, holding a tray with a plate of breakfast, a teapot, a mug, a small pot of sugar, a small cup of milk, a teaspoon, and of course - Chase's three pints of Jack.

"Oh, hello lovely, room service?" she asks in the sweetest voice.

"Oh yes, of course," I say politely, grabbing the tray from her. "Here, let me to take this from you. Thank you so much for bringing this up."

The woman smiles friendlily at me and looks kind of surprised that I didn't just ask her to come in and set the tray down for me. She looks kind of lost by the fact that I'm taking the tray from her, but it looks heavy, and she's carried it up this far so I'll take it from here. The tray is quite heavy with the weight of food, all the stuff for tea, and three pints. Taking the heavy tray from her, I smile at her as I turn around and use my foot to shut the door behind me.

I take it over to the table by the window and pull open the curtains so that I can at least have a nice view while I'm eating. Pulling one of the chairs back, I sit down, and feast my eyes upon this lovely cooked English breakfast. There's three rashers of bacon, two fried eggs, two slices of cut and buttered toast, beans, two sliced tomatoes, two hashbrowns, and black pudding. Really delicious stuff.

I quickly pick up the knife and fork and tuck it in some bacon, fried egg, and toast. Then I put the cutlery down and make myself a cup of tea, while taking glances out the window at Cardiff city and the surroundings of the area. It's nice sitting here with breakfast and tea, with a decent view of Cardiff out the window as I'm eating. I could get used to this.

After eating the extremely tasty and filling breakfast, I pull my knees up to my stomach, and pick up my cup of tea to drink it as I peer out of the large window. It's been, like, half an hour, and still no sign of Chase. I'm starting to think he's slipped in the shower or something because he's been in there longer than I thought he would have been.

Deciding that I should probably check on him, I place my cup of tea down and get up to head over to the bathroom door. Just as I'm about to knock the door, someone knocks the bedroom door. I hesitate for a moment, unsure of which one I should attend to first. But, sighing, I move away from the bathroom door to answer the bedroom door. Opening the bedroom door, two guys with tags around their necks are standing there. One is holding my suitcase form the hotel we'd been staying in and I instantly realise that they've been to get mine and Layla's things.

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