Chapter 26

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Back at the hotel, we manage to make it inside through the backdoor, because paparazzi have found out where Black Dagger are staying and are apparently crowded outside the front - according to Bill. I still have no idea who Bill is, but I'm sure I'll find out. He seems to be close to the band in some way but I haven't figured it out yet. I'm not actually sure how bands work, who works with them and things like that, so I'm feeling a little stupid for not knowing.

I'm a little tipsy right now, Layla is basically drunk. She had been downing her booze at the concert like there was a time limit for how long she can drink. I'm a bit nervous about getting really drunk again because I don't remember much from last night and I woke up in Chase's bed. One thing is for sure : me and Layla need to get back to our own hotel tonight. We've paid to stay there and we're not even there. I haven't seen our hotel since we left to go to Black Dagger's concert yesterday evening.

All of us bundle into the elevator, including Bill. In the reflection of the elevator doors, I watch as Bill looks around at the others - even me and Layla, as if we compromise of the band too. It's hard to tell whether he's pleased or pissed off at something ; he has that face where you just can't tell what he's feeling. I can tell at one point that he's pissed off when he looks at Ace and Wolf, Bill's jaw tightened when he looked at them. It's obvious he wants to say something but he's not saying it for whatever reason ; I'm sure that he's going to say it soon though. Bill looks like he really can't hold whatever he wants to say in for a long time. He had a short explosion at Chase in the limo, but I know he has more to say to him. 

I'm squeezed right between Jace and Chase and when I move my hand, it accidentally brushes my fingers against Chase's. Then, when we both try to move our hands, our fingers briefly lock in with each other, and I'm feeling so awkward right now. Chase flashes me a huge mischievous grin while I smile shyly at him and gently take my fingers away. It's really amazing how he never seems to feel awkward about anything and then there's me - making a huge deal out of everything that's just the littlest bit awkward. It makes me feel a lot better that he doesn't make a fuss of it like I do because I feel like such an idiot every time it happens. I've always been like this, I really don't know why, especially with boys. Eventually I just brush it off and pretend like nothing ever happened. This is why I don't have a boyfriend - because I ignore everything that a boy does to hint that he likes me. While I think that's hilarious and have no care in the world about my awkward behaviour, Layla gets irritated by it because she actually wants me to allow myself to like somebody in that way instead of running away from it.

The elevator doors open and I'm relieved that they have. The tension in the elevator was ridiculous and although nobody said anything bad, I could feel the negative vibes radiating in the air like nuclear waves. All of us head towards Chase's room, but Jace and Wolf steer off into another bedroom with Bill following. Ace sees them and joins them - much to my confusion. Jackson pulls Layla to the side as they pass his room and opens the door, pulling her inside with her giggling excitedly and waving at me as the door closes.

Great, now I'm just left on my own with Chase, not having a clue on what to do. Chase doesn't seem bothered by everyone disappearing, he's aware that I'm following behind him but he's not saying anything. When we get to his door and he slots the key-card in to open it, I decide that I'm probably being really rude right now and hold off as he opens the door. It's probably best if I don't follow him into his bedroom, because why would I do that? I don't even know what I'm doing anymore. I feel lost, not in a depressing way. Just in a way where everyone's doing their own thing and my own thing is usually going to the pub with Layla, but she's with Jackson in his room.

A hand touches my shoulder as I close my eyes and lean against the wall outside Chase's bedroom. I jump and spin around to see Chase standing in the doorway of his bedroom, grinning at me. "You coming?" he asks.

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