Chapter 28

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Walking over to the bed, I realise I'm not even rushing to get out of here because I'm so blown away by what I have just witnessed. I've never witnessed it for myself before, I'm absolutely shell-shocked. Gulping more mouthfuls of Jägermeister down, I pick up my leather jacket and start making my way to the bedroom door. My head is spinning, I actually feel a bit sick after seeing Chase doing that. I'm so desperate to get out of here, go back to our own hotel, and just be alone for a while.

As I pull down the bedroom door handle, I hear the bathroom door open and someone comes running out from the bathroom. I don't want to turn around but, of course, the sound of running footsteps instinctively makes me spin around. My heart is pounding against my chest and I instantly see Chase running right up to me, so hyper all of a sudden. I thought heroin was meant to mellow you out? Did he do some cocaine too? I'm not sure whether to be scared or something else, so I just freeze up and glare at him as he slaps his hands on my shoulders and stares right into my eyes in silence for a moment. His pupils are dilated dots and I'm actually starting to feel a bit scared now.

"Where are you going?" Chase asks.

I'm going to be honest, because I'm always honest. I'm always straight up about anything and everything, no matter how hard it may be to say for other people. "I'm going back to my hotel."

Chase's eyebrows furrow, making me frown hard at him.

"You're doing heroin. I'm not sticking around for that, it's just not me, I'm not even sorry."

Chase frowns and actually looks really disappointed, his hands slip from my shoulders. His reaction to my announcement that I'm leaving actually makes me feel a bit guilty, but I stand by what I say - I always do. His hand raises and strokes my cheek so softly that I'm getting butterflies at the unexpected touch.

"Please, stay," he says softly. "I like you, I don't want you to leave. I won't do it again, please stay."

"Like me?" I repeat quietly as I look into his eyes. "You barely know me."

"I want to know you."

Chase's words work some kind of magic on me and I'm suddenly debating on staying here, despite how much I'm against the idea. He's so high right now, presumably on heroin and coke, and despite my drinking I'm sober compared to Chase. There's something about the way he's looking at me, pleading with me to stay, that just makes me want to all of a sudden stay. He has such an innocent, sweet look to him that just makes it impossible to not feel guilty for saying no. I actually feel kind of sorry for him. He's on drugs - for God knows how long - and I'm just leaving. Chase is a good guy as far as I know, maybe it's not so fair on him for me to walk out just because he's doing drugs. He's so famous, can get any girl he wants, and yet he invited me here. I can't just be unappreciative and rude and throw that back in his face. That would be a proper kick in the teeth for me if it were the other way around.

Chase pulls me into his chest, so sudden that I almost scream because it frightens me at first. His big arms wrap around my small body and starts squeezing, then one of his hands is stroking the back of my hair like he's trying to comfort me. He's got my arms pinned by my sides, so I can't exactly hug him back, or do anything at all really. My cheek is just pressed up against his sweaty chest while he appears to be hugging me and comforting me for some reason. It's lovely what he's doing, but I almost find it laughable, because he's so high that he doesn't realise how strange this is. I must admit that this actually feels pretty nice. I haven't been hugged like this for years, because there's not often a reason for someone to be comforting me like this.

"Um...Chase...?" I mumble against his chest. Chase responds in a short hum. "What are you doing?"

"I don't remember, but this feels nice. Doesn't this feel nice?" he whispers soothingly, like he's a trance.

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