Chapter 42

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After the shower, there has been fresh towels placed in here sometime when we were gone, so I'm glad about that. I think housekeeping might have put them in here while me and Chase were out on our 'date' yesterday, so at least there's a towel each for us. I'm glad that after I had washed his body and we had our little sexual encounter that he was inspired to wash his hair by himself. That shower was definitely unlike any other shower I've had before - or any shower I imagined to have in my life.

Wrapping the towel around my body and securing it, I look over my shoulder at Chase as he ties the towel around his waist. That body is amazing, I can't get enough of it. Chase not only has the looks and charisma, he has the personality to go with them. He's not stuck-up, vain, or treats women like shit - he's not an asshole. With those looks, he doesn't take advantage of them. I love that about him. He's pure handsome, inside and out.

Walking into the bedroom, I realise that I need to go back to my own room to get fresh underwear and clothes. Why didn't I think of that before I got in the shower? Even though it's only a couple of steps, I'm still dreading walking from this room to my room because I'm scared someone is going to see me in a towel. Yeah, okay, nobody can see anything, but it's still weird.

Chase is coming into the room, his hair looking much fresher, damp, with strands sticking out all over his head from him towel-drying it. He's so cute. I don't understand how the hell I ended up getting into bed with such an incredible, sexy, and desired-by-all boy.

I flash Chase a quick smirk that he returns. He rummages through his suitcase, obviously searching for something, then curses, and heads back towards the bathroom. Again, he smirks at me, then disappears into the bathroom and slams the door shut. It's bothering me how weird he's being, I just don't get it. I need to find out what's going on with him. I will find out what's going on with him. Seeing my key-card on the TV stand, I pick it up and decide to just carry on with getting ready.

Opening the door, I step out, shut the door behind me, and do a little hasty skip to my room's door. Slotting the key-card in, the green lights present themselves, and I instantly push the door open before someone sees me. My heart is racing, my breathing is erratic. I didn't even realise I was this nervous about someone else possibly seeing me in a towel and having to take the embarrassment on the chin.

Turning on the light, I take a deep breath in, hold it, then leave it out to try and steady my heart. I make my way over to my suitcase, drop my towel, and pick out a pair of knickers and a bra. Finally, I can wear a bra. Bras are uncomfortable, but I've never felt so relieved to be able to wear one, and not feel like I have to worry about exposing anything when I'm cold. It feels weird to know that Chase has seen me completely naked, touched every part of me. It gives me butterflies, it's so childish.

Smiling to myself and shaking my head at the childish schoolgirl feelings I'm experiencing, I quickly get dressed in a black t-shirt and pull on a pair of blue ripped jeans. Satisfied with what I'm wearing, I pull on my black converse trainers and pick up my leather jacket from the floor. My hair is still damp, but I don't like hair-drying it because it goes all frizzy - the dampness doesn't bother me anyway. Slipping my leather jacket on, I head back over to Chase's room, turning the light off as I close the door behind me.

When I enter Chase's room, he's not even in here. The bathroom door is closed and I soon realise that he's still in there. What the hell is he doing in there that takes so long? Ignoring it and hoping that he comes out soon, I turn on the TV and sit down on the edge of the bed. Huffing, I realise that I might be here for a while. Chase takes forever in the bathroom doing whatever he's doing.

Turning the TV up on the music channel, I glance over my shoulder and spot a bottle of vodka. Getting up, I go over to it and down some. It's the only thing to really do in a situation like this when you're waiting for someone for a long time with nobody and nothing else to keep you entertained. I suppose being alone is pretty good though. It's actually mad how much I'm drinking since I've been hanging around with Black Dagger. Usually I'd start drinking in the evening or night, and then carry on for however long it takes. Since I've been here, I've been drinking at all times in the day.

Pulling out my phone, I check the time : it has just gone 4 p.m. Bill said that we should be ready for around this time, and I am, but Chase isn't. He's still in the bathroom. I'm not sure if I should knock the door and tell him what time it is. Clicking my tongue, starting to feel impatient about being late, I decide to get up. But as soon as I get up, the bathroom door opens and Chase struts out with a beaming grin. I suppose whatever prolonged thing he was up to in there has made him mellow and happy now.

Chase is dressed. He has washed-out grey jeans on, a black t-shirt with a rock band's logo on it, his combat boots, and of course - his cowboy hat. But he's got something in his hand. It's a teal-coloured material and I think I know what it is, as it's absent from my head right now.

Stopping right in front of me, Chase raises his hands, smirks, and ties my bandana around my head for me. "I think you forgot something," he says quietly. "You can't go anywhere without expressing yourself in the most unique of ways." Chase finishes tying my bandana, looks at it, and bites his lip as he smirks. "Fuck, you look so awesome in that bandana. You're awesome anyway. I wish I could keep you, treat you right, but I can't."

"Yeah, I know, you don't need to explain," I reply chirpily, scoffing lightly. "I'm not offended or anything, you've been great to me."

He leans into my face slowly and looks down at my mouth. "I wish I could explain," Chase whispers. "But either way, you're going to be scared off."

With our lips almost touching, Chase bends his neck to attempt to kiss me and I stretch my neck out to reach him. But we're interrupted by the door opening. Chase lets out a dramatic fed-up groan and turns to the door. I like the fact that he's groaning because he really wanted to kiss me, it's attractive. Following his gaze, I see Bill standing at the door, looking really unhappy and eager to get going.

Bill raises his eyebrows at Chase and motions his hand for us to exit the bedroom. "Come on, man. You're fucking around," he growls. "Why are you always fucking around? Let's get going."

"Whatever, man," Chase growls back cockily, beginning to walk out the room and barging shoulders with Bill then chuckling spitefully.

Bill doesn't look at all happy with Chase. I can sense that he knows something about Chase that he dislikes very much, but I know that he likes Chase as the person he is, but something is in the dark here - I know it is. Bill smiles politely at me, trying not to give me the same look as he gave Chase. Smiling back, I follow after Chase, with Bill closing the door behind me.

Outside, it's the same as usual : the bustling noise of people at either side of the back-alley entrances, faint flashes of cameras in the distance, people cheering, people calling out for Black Dagger, Chase's leather jacket over my head - it's just ridiculous. There's just a lack of privacy and if you do want it, you need to fight for it with security men.

In the limo, everyone is already inside. Chase has his cowboy hat on, Jace has his shades on, Ace has his bandana on, Wolf has his sleeveless denim jacket on, and Jackson has his bandana around his neck and a cap on back-to-front with overgrown strands of hair poking out the hole. Layla is squished between Jackson and Jace, having the time of her life, with a drink in a plastic cup, giggling and chatting with everyone in here. I'm squished between Bill and Chase, with Chase's hand on my thigh, rubbing it gently. Isaac is on the end, right up to the window, with Wolf next to him. There's security guys in here too, cramped up at the front.

Isaac has the camera going, moving it around everyone's face - including Bill's. He moves the camera to me suddenly and leans forward slightly, making me the focus of the attention of the lens. Noticing this, I try to play it as cool as possible, ignoring the lens, letting my head fall back, smirking, and closing my eyes.

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