Chapter 43

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When the limo finally stops, the security guys usher towards the door and open it instantly. Bill follows after them, then Isaac does. There are no sounds of cheering, bustling, camera-snapping people. Just the sounds of water and engines. Wolf gets out, followed by Ace, Jackson and Layla, Jace, Chase, then me.

As soon as I step out, I immediately recognise where we are - we're down Cardiff docks. There are people around, but not that many, and they're nowhere near us. They're just walking about : couples, dog-walkers, people walking alone. There's no crowds and I feel like I can finally breathe. I can see people looking over here, wondering what the limo is about, who the people are, what's going on. But they're just being nosy, not running over here realising that it's Black Dagger.

Lead by a guide, who introduces himself to all of us as Gareth, we follow him down a long wooden ramp across the water. Chase glances over his shoulder at me as I trail behind everyone, with two security guys behind me, and reaches for my hand. He's now holding my hand and positioning himself to walk right next to me. I like to trail behind people sometimes when we're going somewhere, because it allows me enough time to look at the area around us. It's sounds miserable, I know, but I like it.

We walk on the docks, passing boats and yachts, until we come to one that's right on the end. I presume this will be the one we're taking, as the guide gets onto the yacht and insists for everyone to come on. The yacht is pretty big in size, with a tall sailing post and a lengthy deck. It's white in colour with a walnut design around the body- stylish and modern. I've never been on a boat, or a yacht, so this will be yet another experience for me. Layla's dad has a yacht, but I've never been on it.

On the yacht, it looks much more luxury to how it is on the outside. Inside the cabin, there's a long table with plates and cutlery set out on it, napkins folded in a fancy way on the plates, wine and water glasses set out too. Around the table is luxurious white leather seating, with long rectangular windows around the cabin, offering decent views of the area in which someone would be sailing in.

As we move through the cabin, we go up a small three steps and into a lounge sort-of area. There are walnut cabinets with a TV on one of them. There's walnut flooring and long, luxurious, white leather seating. The walls are white and there's a large skylight window. There's a curved walnut bar in the corner, with shelves built inside the walnut on the outside and up behind the bar with a generous amount of different bottles of booze on each shelf. This is great.

Ace spots this, nudges Chase, and then they both head over to the bar together. It's obvious they're in paradise with this amount of booze on offer. Wolf, Jace, and Jackson all follow them too. The five of them are standing around and behind the bar, looking at all the different bottles of booze, deciding which ones they want out of the many choices. Me and Layla look at each other, smirk, and raise our eyebrows at their need for alcohol before we've even explored the rest of the yacht.

"Aye, boys," the guide says, making his way to the bar. "We have rules on this yacht. Drinks are only to be drank from plastic cups."

The guide ducks down behind the bar counter, then straightens back up, holding a stack of red plastic cups. He picks off cup after cup, lining them up neatly next to each other on the bar counter. When he does this with the fifth cup, he looks at me and Layla, with his hand on the top cup of the stack, raising this eyebrows, and nodding at the stack, asking us – without words – if we'd like cups too. Me and Layla smile politely and nod.

The boys are all crowding the guide, watching him, and already holding bottles of different booze in their hands. It didn't take them long to decide what they wanted. They're already opening the caps and pouring their own drinks in the cups. The guide is looking at them funny, like he can't believe they're just jumping straight to it and doing their own drinks without hesitation. But he simply backs away from the bar, shaking his head and smiling to himself about it.

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