Chapter 40

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After a while, I spring to my feet and head into the bedroom in search for the bottle of vodka I had been drinking before me and Chase had sex. Finding it at the foot of the bed, I pick it up from the carpet, and instantly gulp mouthfuls down like I haven't a drink for hours. I'm feeling good, I'm feeling full of energy, I've had a great day, I'm with good people, I've got booze, I've done coke. Let's get this party started!

Picking up the remote from the bedside table, I turn on the TV and turn up the volume. The TV must have turned off automatically when it was unoccupied for a while. It's still on the music channel so I'm thrilled about that. Wolf, Ace, and Chase are all still in the bathroom but I don't care. I'm having fun on my own. With my hips swaying back and forth, I close my eyes, gulp down some vodka, and start to feel like I'm in some sort of club where there are people jumping all around me to this amazing classic rock music. I'm in pure bliss.

Suddenly I bump into someone and snap open my eyes. I can't help but laugh, it's just funny. I didn't even hear anyone approaching me, let alone feel like anyone was there. Gulping some vodka down, I look up as I'm gulping and see an amused Ace looking down at me. He has a big wicked grin and a weird expression of amusement.

"Uh, you're not wearing any panties right now?" Ace asks through his grin.

How does he know? Tilting my head to the side, I frown at him and gulp more vodka down. Then he holds up my knickers - the pair I had so desperately been trying to find. Great. This is exactly the thing I was trying to avoid by looking for them before anyone else came back into the bedroom earlier. He's holding them up on one finger in the air in front of both of our faces like it's nothing. I guess it's not so bad that he found them. They are only a pair of knickers after all. They're not dirty, or stained, or anything like that. What's there to be embarrassed about?

Playfully, I snatch the knickers from him and scoff. "Me and Chase had some fun earlier, and yeah, I couldn't find my knickers afterwards," I tell him smugly as I walk over to the bed. Spinning back around to face him, I gulp the last of the vodka down and raise my eyebrows at him. "Besides, it's probably something you guys are used to. Found a G-string under Chase's bed when I was looking for the remote control yesterday."

Ace scratches his head, then exhales a sigh as he turns around to give me privacy. With his back turned to me, he says, "yeah, they belonged to the stripper Chase and I had here. Damn chick just wouldn't take them with her for some reason. She kept insisting that they should stay here. Like, what the fuck am I gonna do with a chick's G-string?"

Laughing, I place the empty vodka bottle on the bedside table. Bending down, I step one foot in, and then the other into my knickers. Lifting up my dress slightly, I quickly pull up my knickers, and then pull down my dress. The bathroom door is shut, but I can hear muffled laughs from Chase and Wolf inside.

"You can turn around now."

Ace turns around and grins. "Nice to know you're wearing panties now, even better to know that you weren't wearing any in the first place," he jokes with a smirk. "Hey, that bandana suits you. You should do something to it, put something on there or something so that it can only be your bandana. Make you stand out."

Picking up the empty vodka bottle and shaking it, I say, "but first... do you have any more booze?"

Ace shakes his head and laughs. Then he struts over to the bedside table, hovers his hand over the many bottles of booze, sticks out his lips, and picks up a bottle. He reads the front of it, then hands it to me. Taking it from him, I look at the front and notice that it's whiskey. No doubt Chase's whiskey, he loves his whiskey. Nodding once at Ace, I open the bottle and down some down. I'm so buzzed, I just want to move, get up to something. I just want to do something.

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