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Rattling, Grinding metal. That was the first thing my senses picked up, even before my eyes opened. The ground beneath me was shaking, and I seemed to be moving up. The surface beneath me was hard and uncomfortable, and cold. Wherever I was, it wasn't somewhere I would have wanted to be.

When I finally opened my tired eyes, I observed directly above me. I was trapped in a metal cage, which was plummeting up at am increasing speed. I picked myself up from the floor and looked around in panic and disorientation. Where was I? What was going on?

Suddenly, the elevator like cage came to a halt, sending me flaying onto my back where I had started. I cringed at the pain, holding my back. Above me, shadows which I couldn't quite make out started gathering around the top.

I quickly grabbed a knife which I found in one of the boxes amongst me  and hid behind them. The cage shaked as someone jumped inside with me. It was so silent, I was almost certain they could hear my heart bounding, and my shallow breaths.

"There's no one in here!" The person shouted back up. There was a certain British twang in their voice, and they were certainly male.

"They're probably hiding" another male jumped down " Check around the boxes"

I could hear them both shuffling around, searching for me. When I caught a glimpse of one of them, I ceased the opportunity and jumped out if my hiding spot. I held my blade infront of his neck and backed him up against the wall of the cage. He was tall, probably about six foot, clear asian facial features. His hair dark and slicked back with precision. His dark eyes widened in surprise as I stood with my knife to his neck.

"Uhhh I think I found him- or her?" He stuttered confused.

"Her?" The british guy asked.

The other boy turned around to see me. He was tall, but slightly shorter than the other one. His hair was fluffy, dirty blonde and messier than the others. His eyes were a dark colour too but warmer and softer. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, like the other boy, showing off his arm muscles. He was muscular, but skinnier than the first.

"Bloody hell, it's a girl!" He exclaimed.

The crowed above me started muttering, and some leaned over the each trying to catch a glimpse.

"Yes, and if you haven't already noticed she's holding a knife to my shucking neck!"

"Uh, could you please lower the knife?" The blonde one asked.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"Welcome to the glade greenie" The dark haired one said.

"Look, it's normal, you don't remember anything, it's happened to us too, we just need you to trust us"

"I'm not trusting anyone!"

"Just grab a hold of her and bring her up here!" Someone shouted.

The dark haired boy snatched the knife away from me and grabbed a hold of me. Despite my kicking and thrashing, I was unable to escape his grip as he lifted me out of the cage.

It was a strange sight. Big, stone walls surrounding the whole place. Majority of "The glade" as the boy called it, was greenery, exept from some buildings not too far away.

I didn't get much time to look before I was dragged into a small room, and locked in.

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