Because I think I love you

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I woke up at dawn. Changed into my vest top and most comfortable jeans for running in. I tied my hair half up, as neat as I could manage and headed out into the glade. As I walked to the maze doors, I took in the fresh early morning air and relaxed. Minho, Newt and a couple other runners were waiting at the doors.

"Could you walk any slower woman?" Minho complained.

"Actually yes I could"

"Hurry up it's almost time to go"

I jogged over and stood with the small group, ready for my instructions for the day.

"Y/n, you're going with Newt today"

"If he can keep up"

"Hey!" He complained.

"You know I'm joking"

Just then, the doors opened and we all got to work, running through the maze. As I went along, I cut down a peice of ivy to leave a trail.

"Why do you always do that?" Newt asked, his voice shaking as he was running " You know the routes"


We kept running, the sounds of our feet hitting the ground slightly echoing off the walls, and our deep, heavy breaths preventing silence.

Once we had made it to our section, we got to work mapping everything out. We did this for a few hours, then stopped for a lunch and water break. Then again we continued, nothing out of the ordinary. Once the sun began to  drop from the sky, we started to make our way back.

"It's funny, we do this everyday, looking for some way out of this place, and it looks the same everyday, nothing changes" Newt said as we jogged.

"I know, but we can't just stop looking, then we'll never find a way out"

"Yeah, but, it's just that-"

"Stop" I held my arm out infront of him.



I slowly peaked over the corner, to see a griever. I snapped back around, my back pressing against the veiny wall.

"Fucking greiver" I hushed.

"You're joking?" Newt whispered " We should be back at the glade by now, the doors are closing soon"

"I'm sorry I don't have the grievers schedules do I?"

"No need for the attitude" He rolled his eyes.

"Wow so mature Newt!" I turned to him " That's not what we need right now when there's a griever blocking our-"

"Y/N RUN!" His eyes widened.

I turned around to see it's hideous body looming over us, it's sharp points rearing back, ready for attack.

Without further notice, we sprinted in the opposite direction as fast as we could as it chased after us. We we heading even further away from the glade, but right now we didn't really have a choice.

"We need to get higher!" I shouted as we ran.

"Are you joking!"

"It's our only chance we can't outrun it" I grabbed his arm and lead him over to a viney wall.

"Start climbing"

I grabbed hold of a thick vine, wrapping it around my hand and pulled myself up. I did the same with my feet, heaving myself up the wall. It took about ten minutes until I finally reached the top, then I helped Newt up.

Newt Imagines : Maze runner Where stories live. Discover now