Early morning showers

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A knock on my door forced me to roll out of bed. I rubbed my sleepy eyes as I walked over to the door to see Newt stood there. "Hey, did you sleep ok?"

"As well as you can when you woke up in a strange place a day ago with no memories at all."

He nodded "well I thought I'd show you how the showers work? Just so you know your way around and you're not confused."

"Sure." I leaned on the door awkwardly."Sorry that I stole your room, by the way, I feel really bad about it."

"It's no problem, really, just until the builders male your own. Not a good idea to sleep out there with them a lot. You need your privacy considering your- um."

"A girl?"

"Yeah." He stared at me for a moment, then shook his head out of it. "If you wanna grab your clothes and towel, I'll show you to the showers."

I left the door open as I went back into the room to grab my clothes and towel. It felt kinda weird staying in his room, I didn't really want to touch any of his stuff to be respectful, not that he had much stuff anyway.

I went back to him, closing the door and following him out to the showers. There were people walking around in towels and showers running. Steam floating all around the place, making it hard to see.

"It's communal, unfortunately." Newt said, he pointed to a shower "I'd just use this one as it's the closest and empty of course" Then he pointed to the cubicle opposite "Changing room, leave your clothes in there, wrap your towel around you and have your shower, come back out get dressed again. The showers are your standard ones, so I'm sure you can figure out how they work. If you need anything, don't be shy to ask."

"Thanks." I smiled.

I watched him walk away, anxiousness growing in my stomach. It was so busy in here and full of teenage boys. I didn't like it, but I guess I'd have to suck it up and deal with it.

I went into the changing cubicle, making sure to lock it and double-check. Then I got undressed and secured my towel around my body as tight as I could. I quickly opened the door and ran into the shower, closing the curtain behind me.

Ok Y/n it's just a damn shower. Get yourself together.

I hung the towel on the hook and turned the shower on, making the temperature to my liking. There was already soap and everything there, which I used.

Once I was finished, I turned it off and wrapped my towel around me again, preparing myself to sprint to the changing cubicle.

When I opened the curtian, there were two boys leaning against my cubicle door. I took a deep breath and walked over. "Excuse me, I need to be in there."

They looked at me, and one of them gave a low whistle. "Damn greenie, that towel makes you look nice."

The other one chuckled, and then they both suddenly stood up straight.

"How about you leave her alone before you kick both your sorry shank behinds?" Minho stood to my left, in a towel with his arms folded.

The two gladers apologised quickly and left.


"No problem, she-bean." He winked and walked away.

When I locked myself in my cubicle, I leaned against the door and forced myself not to cry. Stop being so weak! You won't survive a day in here if you cry at every little incident.

I dried my hair off as much as I could and got dressed. Folding up my wet towel in my hands, I headed back to Newts hut.

The next morning, I woke up early to shower. It would be much easier to shower alone, without anyone there. That way, I could actually relax and enjoy my shower without any pervy boys staring at me.

I grabbed my clothes and towel and headed over to the showers, changing in my cubicle and getting in the shower. The silence was wonderful, and I didn't have to worry about anyone walking in.

When I finished, I wrapped my towel around me and pulled the curtain back. When I stepped out, I saw someone else stand in the open shower next to me. Newt, dripping wet with a towel around his waist.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't think anyone else was there." I said.

"I always shower early. It's quieter."

"That was exactly my idea." I looked down at my feet to avoid looking at his bare chest. But my eyes flicked up at him again. The water was glistening off his skin in a really attractive way. "I should get dressed."

I hurried back into the cubicle, banging my head on the door. Just staring at his bare chest, not creepy at all Y/n.

For the next few weeks, I continued to shower early, and so did Newt. He was there every single morning, at the exact time I was, and I would always great him with a smile and "goodmorning". Attempting not to stare as much as possible.

I found it a bit odd that he was always there when I was. Perhaps it was just a coincidence, and he really did shower early in the morning, before I even came here. Even when I moved into my own hut, the routine continued.

I woke up like every morning, and I headed for my shower. The water was warm as usual and scrubbed myself clean.

"Y/n?" I heard Newt's voice from the shower next to me."Do you have any soap in there I could use? I don't have any."

I picked up the white bar of soap and held it in my hand. "Yeah, but how am I gonna get it to you?"

I heard his shower curtian slide open, and my heart began to race. He wasn't going to come in, right? What if he's naked? He wouldn't do that, right?

Then his hand came through the curtain, and I sighed in relief, putting the bar of soap in his hand, watching it disappear.

"Are you ok?" He asked.

"Yeah, I just wasn't sure what you were gonna do there."

"Oh, don't worry, I wouldn't walk in on you. Unless you wanted me to, that is."

I paused. Unless I wanted him to? What was that supposed to mean? I stood under the water, pondering about what he said probably for way too long as my fingers started to wrinkle.

I turned the shower off and wrapped the towel around me, walking out to see Newt leaning against his cubicle, wearing only his towel.

"Hey, I haven't upset you or anything, right?"

I held my breath, unable to speak. All I could think about was trying not to look down.


"No, you haven't." I said quickly, heading to my cubicle, when he grabbed my arm.

"Please, just -" He let go, looking a bit guilty for grabbing me so suddenly. "You don't have to lie to me. You can talk to me."

A surge of courage came out of me from somewhere, and I asked him, "What did you mean earlier? When you said, "Unless I wanted you to.""

"That I'd only go in if you wanted me to?"

"Yeah, I know that, I mean -" I stopped, he was staring at me intently.

"I'm gonna be honest with you, I've never showered this early before you came up the box." He looked slightly embarrassed."I just wanted to see you, not in a creepy way or anything, I just wanted to see you without all of the others around. It sounds kind of stupid now that I've said it out loud -"

I pulled him in for a kiss, cutting him off. He leaned into it, pulling me closer.

When I pulled away, I looked up at him. "It's not stupid. It's cute." 

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