The light of the glade- part 2

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Newt's pov:

We followed the ratman Janson through the facility. These people rescued us from wicked, they provided refuge for us. After we had a nice, warm shower, we changed into fresh clothes and followed him again.

He lead us in to a sort of cafeteria, and told us to sit down and wait there. There was only one table with enough free seats for all of us, so we settled down.

"Well, what do you think of this place?" Minho asked.

I looked around at all the other people "Who are all these people?"

"People like you" One of the guys on our table said " We were in mazes too"

"There were more mazes?" Frypan asked.


Minho got up from the table and walked over to Thomas who just came in. He sat down next to me as the two guys tried to explain more to us.

"That guy over there, his maze was nothing but girls" He chuckled.

"Lucky bastard" Minho added.

"What can I say, some guys get all the luck."

Our attention was drawn to a lot of shouting happening, somewhere over by a door which was guarded. The whole room went silent, listening in to.

"Just let me through! I wanna see my freind she's been gone for days!" The girl yelled.

"I'm afraid I can't do that sweetheart" The guard said.

"Fuck you!" She threw a glass at him, missing and it hit the wall behind him shattering.

The guy we had talked about earlier, who was in the maze of girls, came rushing up to her and held her shoulders to pull her away from the guard.

"Just calm down, you're making a scene" He said.

"No Aris! Rachel is in there, there's something not right going on here!"

"I know, just relax-"

"Now what's going on here?" Janson entered the room.

"I know what you're doing Janson" She spat at him, as the boy held her back. If he hadn't held her, I could have been sure she would have attacked him right there and then " I'm not stupid, I know you're planning something, and I'm gonna find out what"

"I think your lack of sleep has been affecting your head" He said calmly.

She pulled out of the boys grip and started walking away, holding both her middle fingers up " FUCK YOU JANSON!"

"Get her"

As she walked nearer to my table, she looked at me and stopped. That's when I got a decent look at her. It couldn't be...

"Newt?" She whispered.

It was, it was her. I was frozen in shock and disbelief, I could hardly get the words to form.


Before anymore could be said, a guard grabbed a hold of her and started steering her away.

"Wait- wait- I" She muttered as she was dragged of.

We made one last glance to eachother, before she was dragged out of view...

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