Stay the night (AU)

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I rubbed my temples in frustration. Who decided that it would be a good idea to include the alphabet in maths?

"Do you have an answer for question fifteen?" I asked.

Newt looked up from his own sheet, then back down, and up again "Nope"

"Ugh maths is useless" I flopped back onto his bed.

"Honestly I've been googling the answers, and not even Google understands maths" He threw his sheet on the floor.

I picked up my phone and checked the time. It was half eleven, and I had multiple text messages from my mum asking me when I'm coming home.

"I need to go home, it's late" I got up from the bed and started gathering my stuff.

"How are you going to get home?"

"Walk" I shrugged.

"It's raining and pitch black out there. Just stay the night here."

"Are you sure? I mean we haven't slept at eachothers houses since we were like eight."

"Doesn't bother me, or my parents. Plus it's Friday."

"Ok, fine let me just tell my mum" I grabbed my phone sending her a message to let her know. "Your spare room is being redone, so should I just sleep downstairs?"

He frowned "Of course not just sleep in my bed"

"What about you?"


"Newt you can't sleep on the floor you idiot, just share the bed with me."

He seemed surprised at my request "Really? We haven't done that since we were eight."

"Oh please, we used to have baths together."

"When we're were like two!" He protested "We've grown up a lot since then"


He bit his tounge "Ok, fine, but here" He rummaged in his draws, grabbing a shirt and throwing it at me.

"Thanks" I went into his bathroom, to change into his shirt. It was a little big on me but in a good way as it pretty much hid everything that needed to be hidden.

I went back into his room, and he was shirtless, in joggers.

"You sleep like that?" I pointed to him.

"No. I usually don't even wear joggers bur seeing we're sharing I wanted to be respectful."

I held back a smile. That was the cutest thing I've ever heard him say. I pulled back his covers and climbed in, getting cozy.

He smiled at me "Comfortable?"

"Actually your beds a little hard, did you get a new mattress?"

"A few weeks ago" He climbed in "Why is it too hard?"

"Don't you dare" I warned.

"Ok fine, not allowed to joke, noted."

"I figured out why you're stopping single"

He looked at me "Why?"

"You're a twat"

He laughed, and bit his bottom lip "If you say so."

I snuggled into his covers and closed my eyes to go to sleep, but I felt a gaze on me. My eyes opened, and looked straight into his.

"Stop watching me sleep it's creepy"

"But you look adorable when you're sleeping"

I slapped his shoulder and he responded with a short "Ow"

"I'm not adorable"

"Right. Of course not." He said sarcastically.

"I mean it Newt"

"Ok. Ok. Goodnight Love."

I closed my eyes again, trying to fall asleep, but I was distracted again. I could feel Newts leg touching mine, and for some odd reason, it was making my heart race faster. But what was even stranger, neither one of us moved away.

"Y/n" I heard through the dark.

"Hmm" I hummed back.

He switched the bedside lamp on which made me wince fir a moment until my eyes adjusted to the light.

"Why haven't we done this in so long?"

"Done what?"

"This" He gestured with his hands "I don't know why, we stopped being this close, being as comfortable with eachother."

"Because we grew up."

"But that hasn't changed anything. Just because I've got a bigger dick and you have boobs now shouldn't mean..."

"Woah, woah, woah, hold on. You noticed my boobs?"

His eyes widened slightly, like he was trying not blink or having a starting contest with me. For a split second they flicked to my boobs then back up again.


"Sorry! You had to mention them!" What did you expect me to do?"

"Ok whatever Newt, we're pretty much done growing now so we can start doing things like having sleepovers again, ok, happy?"


"Good, now I'm tired." I reached for the lamp but he stopped me grabbing my wrist "What are you..."

"There's one more thing you missed out. Things have changed between us. We both know it."

I locked eyes with him, wanting so desperately to look away, but completely unable to.

He made the move and went in, kissing me softly. I kissed back with no hesitation.

He pulled away "Also that's why I'm single"

I slapped his shoulder again making his laugh.

"Seriously I'm tired, can we talk about this in the morning?"

"Alright love" He switched of the light and cuddled into me as we fell asleep.

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