Crank palace

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A/n: This story is based off the death cure book, so it may contain spoilers. Do not read if you haven't read the death cure, if you decide to and it spoils it's a fault of your own. Ty.

When we entered the crank palace it looked relatively normal. Too normal. It was suspiciously calm and quiet. I half expected to see cranks running around, past the gone, tearing eachother apart like rabbit animals. But I hadn't seen anyone yet. Most of the houses had their windows broken, glass shattered onto the floor. Apparently it was a big mistake having glass on the windows as it was the most used weapon.

The first people we saw, looked normal. It was a man and a woman, a couple. They were holding hands while they walked past us. They didn't look insane at all.

"Your friends in there"The guard pointed "But we want half of our money first"

As they got their money I held back a smirk of satisfaction knowing that it was wickeds money.

When we went inside the "Bowling alley", it didn't look like what one should. Not that have any specific memories of being in one, I knew what one should look like. People were laid on the floor in sleeping bags  all over the place.

Minho pointed to the far corner " There he is"

We headed over to where he was, being careful not to step on anyone. The last thing any of us needed was getting bit by a crank.

"I told you shanks to leave me alone" He said, not even turning to look at us.

"Newt..." Thomas started.

"You shouldn't be here" He turned around.

I almost gasped at the sight of him. He looked... terrible. Like he hadn't slept in a year.

"Newt, we're gonna get you out of here" I told him.

"No you're bloody not, I belong here. I'm a crank now"

"You're not yet, and you don't belong here, come back with us"

"No!" He yelled.

"For god sakes Newt just get of your arse and come with us" Minho chipped in.

"I'm gonna turn into a full blown crank soon, and I'm not leaving for you to see that"

"Please" I begged.

"Go away"

"Newt pleas I..."

"You'd do the bloody same if it was you!" He stood up "I don't want to hear about how much you bloody love me, I'm going to loose my mind either way, and if you did love me you'd have done what I asked you to do in the first place!"

"I don't know what you're talking about... Newt I do love you, so please just come with us"

"NO!" He pushed me into a wall "GO AWAY!" He relaxed a moment and stepped back " Sorry... you need to go"


"Maybe we should just go" Thomas said.

"Are you out of your shucking mind?" Minho said.

"Come on, y/n" He took my hand and dragged me away, and the others followed...

When we got back to the berg, none of us said a word to eachother. All those things Newt said, didn't make sense. Then I remembered the note. I took it out from my pocket, ripping open the envelope, and taking the paper out. It was sentence, but a sentence that completely broke me.

"Kill me, if you've ever loved me, kill me"

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