The light of the glade

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Thomas's pov

I felt a hand over mouth as I jolted awake, about to scream. But when I saw Alby, holding a finger to his lips, I realised my breath. I had been in the glade for only one night, and it was quite terrifying, yet it felt as though I needed to be here.

"Come with me" He whispered.

I pushed my thin blanket off my legs and got out of my hammock, following Alby through the glade.

"It wasn't always like this you know" Alby said as we walked " we had dark days, a lot of boys lost to fear and panic"

"Why are you telling me this?"

He stopped " because you're not like the other you're curious. But you're one of us now and you need to know what that means" He held out a knife infront of me which I took reluctantly.

He pointed to the wall infront ofe which I observed. Carved into it was names, some of which I recognised ; Alby, Newt, Chuck, Gally and so on. I noticed some of the names were crossed out.

"What happened to them?" I asked.

"Like I said, dark days Thomas"

Just as I was about to start carving my name out, I noticed a name that stood out from the others, crossed out. It was definitely a female name, y/n.

"Who was she?" I asked.

Alby tensed up and moved uncomfortably " That's enough questions greenie, now wrote your name"

"Why won't you tell me?" I persisted " I didn't think there were any girls in the glade"

"Look, Thomas, I don't think it's really my place to say, he doesn't let anyone talk about her"


He sighed and stpped a little closer " Newt"

I felt the air around us fill with tension, so much I almost regret asking in the first place, but my curiosity of this girl was too strong, I needed to find out more.

"Don't tell him I told you, got that greenie?"


"Y/n, she came up in the box about year ago. We were surprised to have a girl in the glade but very quickly we all warmed up to her, especially Newt. She was like the light of the glade, always laughing and smiling, and making people happy when a days been rough. Newt and her, they were close. "

"What happened to her?"

"She was a runner, and one day she went out into the maze and never came back. Newt was in denial, he said she would come back to him, but she never did. And when he finally realised she wasn't coming back, he changed, and not for the better"

"He loved her didn't he?"

He nodded slowly " Yes, he did, a lot"

"Mhmmm" a sharp cough drew out attention and we turned to see Newt standing right behind us.

"Alby, you better hurry up with the greenie, we gotta take him to the gardens" He said.

"Oh uh right, sure thing Newt" Alby nodded.

Newt walked away with a melancholy atmosphere around him. He must have heard us talking.

I tried to forget the whole thing, and started to carve my name into the wall...

Part 2?

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