I want you (requested)

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I woke up to the oceans calming waves after a well needed sleep. I'm trying to forget the events from a few days ago. Newts arm was stretched over my waist, I looked over to see him still sleeping soundly. I checked his arm, being careful not to wake him. It looked completely normal to my relief. Thomas' blood had cured him, but I couldn't help but feel a little paranoid.

Carefully, I slid out of bed and slipped on some clothes, heading out into the safe haven. The ocean breeze hit me instantly, filling my lungs with the salty air. It was a nice change from sand. As I walked along, someone nudged into my shoulder. He turned around and immediately apologised. "Sorry, that was completely my fault."

"Oh, don't worry about it. No harm done." I gave him a friendly smile.

"Hey, I've seen you walking around, actually." He grimaced at himself "Sorry that sounded kind of creepy, I'm Dan." He held his hand out, which I took and shook.


"I usually see you around with a blonde guy, is he -"

"Am I what?" I spun around to see Newt standing with his arms folded. The same way he always did when someone tried hitting on me in the glade.

"Newt, this is Dam, we accidentally bumped shoulders and started talking."

"Mhm." He almost seemed to size the guy up "Well I'll be with Minho and Tommy if you need me, love."

He kissed me quite deeply, which took me by surprise. Newt wasn't really the kind of person to be so affectionate in public. Usually, the most he'd do was peck me on the lips or forhead. This seemed almost jealous?

He walked off, leaving me to stand with Dan.

"I take it you two are a couple then?"

"How could you tell?" I joked "Usually he's less condensending and more friendly, I think he's still a bit shaken up after, well, everything."

"I get that. Anyway, I'll see you around Y/n."

I went to find the others, sitting around a fire. When I approached, Newt stood up and walked away. I tried not to think much of it and sat down.

"Are you and Newt ok?" Minho asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"He saw you and just got up and left mid conversation."

"He did seem a little off this morning. Maybe I should go talk to him." I went off to search for him.

I looked for over twenty minutes when I finally found him sitting my the sea, in the sand. I approached him carefully so as not to scare him off and sat down next to him. He was drawing shapes in the sand with a stick. We sat in silence for a few minutes when he spoke.

"I understand if you want to move on."

I looked at him, not really understanding what he was talking about. "What do you mean?"

He snapped the stick in half, throwing the peices into the sea. "I mean, if you're tired of me and want to get to know other people."


"We're not in the glade anymore. We're not confined. There's other people here and more options. So, if you want to be with someone else, I'll get out of your way."

"Newt," I moved closer to him. "I don't care that there are other people here, and I don't care if they're interested in getting to know me. I want you. I'll only ever want you."

I moved my hands to his face to make him look at me and pulled him in for a slow kiss. "I love you."

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