Think again

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I sat next to Thomas talking to him, but I wasn't even sure he was listening. I felt so full of energy, I had to release it somehow, so I started talking to Thomas.

"...And that's why I think that job is just unnecessary, oh I made some flower crowns with chuck today would you like to wear one?"

"No! I would not! Y/n, please stop talking"


"Because as much as I love you, you can be seriously annoying sometimes... NEWT COME GET YOUR GIRLFRIEND!"

I squealed I pushed Thomas's chair back, running away as I saw Newt looking over. I ran over to the maze doors just as Minho was running out.

"Minho! Hide me!" I hid behind him.


"Just shhhhh!"

I peaked around him, but I didn't see Newt anywhere, until he grabbed a hold of my throat and shoved me into the maze wall.

"You thought you could get away from me that easily love?" He smirked "Think again"

"Like I should be scared of you?" I rolled my eyes, my voice laced with sarcasm.

His grip around my neck tightened, not hard enough to cut off my airways, but enough to give me a lightheaded feeling of euphoria.

"Tread very carefully love"

"Or what?"

His eyes darkened and he releases his grip on my neck, instead inflicting it on my wrist, and dragged me across the glade. Pulling me like a dog into our hut, he slammed the door shut, and forced my back onto the headboard of the bed. He pushed up my little strap top just above my bra and kissed down my stomach to the hem of my jeans, then looked up at me without lifting his head.

"Or I'll have to punish you, that's what"

"Go on then" I egged him on.

He smirked, and sat up on his knees, grabbing my hips and pulling me close to him.

"No, because that's exactly what you want"

"But that's hardly fair Newt" I whined "I thought I needed to be punished for behaving so badly" I hugged him close, kissing at any skin I could reach.

"Not a punishment you'd enjoy, and you already got that last night anyway"

"Please Newt" I moved to sit over his legs and moved my hips very slow and minuscule over his crotch.

"Mmmm no"

"Why!" I complained "it's not like you don't enjoy it, you like doing it more than I do"

"Because you want me to" He laughed.

"Newt that's so mean!" I got off him and flopped onto my back, staring at the ceiling.

He crawled over me, and started kissing up my neck, then along my jawline to my lips which he pecked softly.

"You're so spoiled" He smirked as he undid my jeans, pulling them off, leaving me in my panties.

"Because you love me"

"That I do" He took my panties off and kissed my clit, making me arch my back off the bed.

He kissed and made out with it, causing me to moan his name recklessly. I never knew how he got to be so good at it, but boy was he good.

"Uhhh Newt!" I squirmed underneath him. My fingers grasped at his hair, desperate for more. He held my legs apart with his hands as he worked, getting me closer.

"Ughhh fuck Newt!"

I came undone, finishing screaming his name at the top of my lungs.

He got up smirking, and kissed my head before lying down. I turned to cuddle into his chest and closed my eyes.

"Love, don't go to sleep, it's to early"


"See this is why I didn't want to do it coz you fall asleep after every time!"


"Fine, but if you wake me up at five in the morning again I'm kicking you out to go sleep in Minho's hut"

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