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A/n: AU

It was eleven pm at night, and I was watching a movie on my laptop. I couldn't sleep, so I didn't bother trying. I just decided to watch a film instead, with my headphones on, until  I felt I was tired enough to doze off. I picked up my phone and sent a message to my boyfriend as I had forgot to earlier, he was probably in bed anyway but I always say goodnight to him.

- Goodnight. Love you ❤.

I continued watching the movie, cringing a little bit when a romance scene appeared. My phone buzzed so I picked it up to see I recieved a message from my boyfriend. Either he  was awake too, or I woke him up. I clicked on his message, and I audibly gasped when I read it.

I think we should break up, I found someone else.

I felt tears trickling down my cheeks. What did I do to make him break up with me? Was I not pretty enough? Was I not smart enough? I did everything for him and he just breaks up with me like that, over text with no further explanation? I blocked his number and slammed my laptop shut, sobbing.

If I had any chance of falling asleep, that was gone now. I needed snacks and a romance movie. That's the only way to get over a breakup.

I got up and slipped on some Jean's and a t-shirt. Then got my hoodie and put the hood over my head to cover my hair as it was raining.

I headed over to the corner shop by the road. It's a funny shop, it stays open until 12. I walked in and grabbed a handful of crisps, sweets, chocolate and ice cream, putting it down at the till.

When I looked up to the person at the till, I stepped back in shock. Newt? Me and Newt are in the same year in school, but we aren't exactly on good terms. I had no idea he worked here. And so late?

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I work here" He looked me up and down with a weird look on his face. I had hoped the rain had covered the fact I was crying. I didn't want him seeing me so vulnerable, it would only give him a reason to make fun of me. But his eyes were soft this time. Concerned. Then full of anger. "It was that dickhead wasn't it?" He asked.

I broke into sobs again. Covering my mouth with the sleeve of my hoodie. He came around from the counter and I fell into his chest crying. "He broke up with me to be with another girl. Over text!"

He stroked my back comfortingly. But his jaw was clenching as though he was restraining himself from doing something bad. "Let me drive you home"

"No, I can walk it's only up the road" I stepped away, realising what had just happened.

I just cried into his chest! Newt's chest! The boy that always called me mean names and talked bad about me with his dumb friends, since year 7. What was I thinking? But he'd changed a lot now. He was older, and kinda good looking. I shook my head to get rid of the thoughts.

"Y/n it's raining heavy outside, you'll be soaked"

"What do you care? You don't even like me"

"That's not true-I mean-fuck" He went back behind the counter like he was getting something so I took the opportunity to run outside and start walking home. I was only about a quarter of the way up the hill when his car drove up beside me. He rolled his window down and shouted.

"What the bloody hell are you doing?"

"Walking home"

"For fucks sakes Y/n just get in the damn car!"

I sighed and went over, opening the door and getting in the car.

"You're so fucking stubborn"

"I've heard it all Newt and at this point I don't really care"

He pulled up just outside my house.

"Most of it came from your mouth so don't think this" I gestured with my hands  "whatever this is, is gonna change that"

"I don't hate you, you know" He said "It's actually very much the opposite."

"What are you talking about?"

"I treated you the way I did because Thomas and Mimho found out that I liked you and started making fun of me. So I acted like I hated you so they wouldn't tease me. But I never really stopped to think about how that was making you feel."

"You... liked me?" I barely managed to get the words out because they seemed to impossible to believe.

"Present tense. Like you." He looked down, then back at me.

I stared back at him for what felt like longer than it was, before he broke the tension. "Get in the house before you freeze to death, and forget about that bloody dickhead."

"Wow that's easy, I only dated him for a year"

"So what? He didn't care about you, he doesn't care about anyone. He sees a girl with nice tits and a pretty face and gets with them just to dump them when he's bored of them. Here." He took my phone from my pocked and did something before handing it back. "Get your cute little arse in that house or I'll drag you in myself."

I adjusted my hoodie to go over my head again and grabbed the door handle. "Thanks Newt."

I got out the car and ran up to the front door, looking back to wave goodbye before hurrying back to my room. I got changed into my pyjamas again and sat on my bed, trying to process everything.

My phone buzzed so I picked it up to check my messages.


- Forget him and get some sleep. Goodnight love. Xxx

                                - Goodnight Xxx

I bundled up in my bedsheets and closed my eyes.

A/n: This kinda reflects me rn considering I'm writing this at 2 am lmao.

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