You're a girl!

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An: Hey guys! I haven't wrote anything for a little while but I decided to make a little imagine. Idk if I'll write any more soon but for now I hope you enjoy this one.

When I first came up the box I was scared. Much like any other greenie. But I was also different, because I was a girl.

I'm not sure exacly why the gladers thought I was a boy. Maybe it was because they'd forgotten what girls were like, or my very short shaven haircut. Whatever the reason, they assumed I was another boy.

"Alright greenie. No need to be scared" Gally said "welcome to the glade, I'm sure you'll grow to like us, your our mate now."

Maybe it was the hair. For a reason I'm not sure of it was short. Like a boy's. However, the rest of me very much resembled a girl. I had a feminine body shape, feminine features, a feminine voice, not to mention quite shorter. I think they may have just brushed it all off as me being younger than everyone else.

As dumb as they were for making that assumption, I was dumber for playing along with it. I was scared, with no memory of who I was or how I got there. With all these boys. To say I was a girl, in the moment of fear, seemed like a stupid thing to do. I thought they might treat me differently, like a peice of gum under a table. So I went along with it. I wore baggy clothes to hide my body, I pretended to not remember my name because it was too girly to say. They decided to just call me Bean after that. My hair, was difficult. It just kept growing. So I tied it back in a bun to make myself look masculine.

I tried so hard, to hide my true self.

"How you doing bean?" Newt asked, sitting down opposite me with his plate piled with food.

I was snapped out of my daze "Alright I guess."

Minho, Thomas and chuck joined, with their plates also full.

"Hey Thomas, I was thinking the other day, imagine if we got a girl next month instead of a boy." Minho said.

I almost choked on my bacon.

"That would be pretty cool."

"I wonder if she'd be hot" Minho nudged his shoulder.

Newt chuckled "I bet you think you'd be soooooo good at flirting Minho, until she rejects you."

Minho pulls am offended fac emailing Chuck giggle.

"What about you Bean, what would you think of having a girl around?" Thomas asked.

I frantically rattled my brain for a response, but it was like it had been switched off. "Ummmm... I guess it would be pretty much the same as another other greenie... I don't know."

The boys exchanged a few glasses before changing the subject. I wasn't listening anymore, I had drifted away. All I could think of is if I messed up. If they had caught on, even a little bit. Would it just be easier to tell them? Then I wouldn't have to hide it from them all the time. Somehow, it felt like that option was too late to even consider.

I spent the rest of the day planting carrots. What a fun way to spend your day. The only problem was it was boiling. I was physically sweating from my brow. Tugging at the coller of my hoodie, I desperately wanted to remove it. But I knew it would be too risky. My shirt was clinging to my skin, no doubt making my bra visible, and my shape.

"Maybe you should take that off?" Newt suggested.

I briefly looked at him before returning to my carrots. "I'm fine."

"Are you kidding it's boiling." He removed his own thin hoodie, exposing his arms. I couldn't help but stare for just a moment. Newt was skinny, but damn his biceps...

"Are you ok Bean?"

"What?" I came back from my daze, and looked down embarrassed "Yeah I just got lost in thought."

"Uh huh" He didn't look convinced.

It was late, and everyone was in bed. I could finally shower. This was the only time I was able to, because no one else would be showering this late. I grabbed my towel and headed off to the showers.

I stopped. Steam? Hot steam specifically. There was no way someone was showering this late.

I was wrong. Newt stepped out onto the wet floor, only a towel covering his lower half. His hair damp, water dripping down his skin. I tried my best not to freak out.

"Oh, hey Bean" He looked surprised.

"What are you doing showering this late?" I asked him.

"I had a nightmare. Woke me up, I was sweating like a pig. So I came for a shower to refresh myself before I go back to sleep." He explained. Then his tone changed, to more curious and questioning. "But why are you here so late?"

"Ummm, same thing." I thought I saved myself. But he kept pushing for more answers.

"Come to think of it, I've never seen you using the showers during the day... Do you always shower at night?"

"What does it matter?"

"It's just... why?"

"I prefer night showers. They're calming."

"Surely not convenient" He took a couple steps closer and I diverted my gaze "Why would you want to go through such a hassle, to wake up in the middle of the night to shower then go back to bed. Unless... you're doing it because you're hiding something."

"I'm not hiding anything" I became anxious. Wishing he would just stop interrogating me and leave. I wished he would leave so I didn't have to struggle to stop staring at his abs.

"I already know Bean. You don't need to hide it, I don't care."

My heart dropped into my stomach. How could he know? I was so careful. "W-What?"

"Being gay doesn't change anything-"

"You think I'm gay? I'm not gay Newt ."

"It's kinds obvious, you're always staring at the guys, you hate talking about girls and you just seem a little more feminine than most of the guys."

I took a deep breath. After all this time of hiding, maybe this was finally the moment for me to reveal my self. If I did, I wouldn't have to worry anymore. I could just be me.

"Newt, that's not it. I'm going to tell you but please promise not to freak out."

"Ok." He seemed confused.

I took my shoulder length hair out of it's bun letting it fall. Then removed my hoodie, leaving me in just my bra.

Newt's jaw dropped. Litterly dropped.

"You're a girl!" He exclaimed.

I jumped forwards and covered his mouth with my hand to quiet him. "Newt be quiet. Yes. I'm a girl."

He moved his head away to talk again. "This whole time. The whole time! This makes so much sense. Everything makes sense now. But why didn't you tell us?"

"I don't know. I was scared, being in a maze full of boy's is a scary thing when you're the only girl."

"So, are you going to tell the others?"

"I'm not sure. I guess I'll have to now."

He kept looking me up and down. Then looked down at the ground like an embarrassed child. "Could I just do one thing?"


"It will be quick I swear... I just wanna know what it feels like."

He stepped forwards, looking into my eyes. His hand reached forward to cup my cheek. My heart started racing, not knowing what to expect or do. He leaned in and kissed me.

My cheeks flushed pink. I was kissing him! I was actually kissing him.

"Thanks, for that." He smiled.

"My name is also Y/n. I didn't tell anyone because I thought it sounded too much like a girls name."

"I think it's a beautiful name. Y/n."

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