Demon from hell

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A/n: Sorry I'm always m.i.a guys, let me know if you have any requests or anything, I'm trying to write more

I woke up to sunlight beaming through the small window of my hut. Groaning I pulled my covers over my face. I didn't want to run the maze today, maybe I could tell Alby I was on my period and he'd let me have the day off. Even better, the whole week off.

Just as I began to drift back off to sleep, my door swung open "Y/n! What are you doing? Minho is gonna kill you!"

Thomas stood in the middle of my room, with his hands on his hips. It reminded me a lot of the way Newt always stands, like a mother scolding her children.

"Oh, please Thomas, it's so early and I'm tired." I sat up in my bed, probably looking a mess from my sleep "Can't I just-"

I paused, noticing something that made my heart stop. A huge spider crawling slowly across the floor by Thomas's feet.

"FUCK!" I stood up on my feet on the bed, wobbling a bit.


I pointed to it "LOOK!"

He looked down, horror spreading across his face "AHHHH!" He jumped over it onto the bed, holding onto me for dear life "What do we do?"

"I don't know! It's moving!"

Minho walked into the room, looking at us confused "What are you shanks doing? We should be in the maze by now."

"Minho look! Look!" Thomas frantically pointed to the spider.

When he saw it, he screamed, jumping up into the bed aswell "HOLY CLUNK HAVE YOU SEEN THE SIZE OF THAT THING?"

"I KNOW!" I squealed.

Newt appeared at the door, looking just as confused as Minho was ten seconds ago "What the bloody hell is going on here? Why aren't you in the maze?"

"Newt, don't panic but- look down." Minho said as calmly as possible.

Newt looked down at the spider, furrowing his brows, then looked back up at us "A spider?"

"It's huge, and hideous and evil!" Thomas gripped onto me tighter.

"It's a demon from hell."

Newt just rolled his eyes, sighing heavily "Bunch of bloody children, you're not scared of grievers but you're scared of a damn spider?" He grabbed the cup from my bedside table, and a peice of paper. Putting the cup over the spider and sliding the paper underneath. Picked it up and put it outside.

"Ok is there any more creepy crawlies you need me to deal with? Maybe some deadly Butterflies?"

"Very funny Newt" I said, jumping down from the bed.

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