Chapter 11

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I laid peacefully on my bed scrolling through my phone, Sophia wasn't home and i was extremely bored so I decided rest for while before focusing on Gloria's dress. Everything online was about the new hotel the Martinez just constructed 'Crystals'. I don't know if anyone had seen it yet or it was just me.....

The buzzing of my phone brought me out of my relaxation

"Hello?" I picked it up

"Hello Courtney"

"Good afternoon ma'am" it was Gloria

"Please calling me ma'am make me feel old"


"Yes that's my name. Okay so I was calling to say that my friends Chloe and Brittany are coming in tomorrow afternoon to attend the opening of Crystal which is the day after and are leaving the day after the occasion"

"I don't get it, then when am I suppose to meet them?" With that arrangement, it wasn't possible

"Well they plan to meet you at Crystal's opening, what do you think?"


"NO, no bloody way"

"What do you mean by no?" Sophia asked

"Sophia what I mean is NO"

I told her everything about my conversation with Gloria and she insist I go to the opening. I told Gloria I couldn't do it but she just said It wouldn't take much time, she said immediately I meet up with them, I can leave but there was no way in hell I was stepping my leg in a Martinez occasion.

"Courtney this is a business opportunity" she emphasizes on business

I ignore her, I'd give anything to not attend that occasion. I really didn't want to run into Mrs Martinez or Miss Romano but that is as good as inevitable

"Courtney" Sophia let's out a sigh

"Are you hungry? I'll go make something" I get up and walk into the kitchen

I wanted out of anything that had to do with the Martinez but it seems life has other plans for me


"Please have your sit" I say to Gloria

She sits down and let's out a sigh

"Courtney you do know that this event is the only time Brit and Chloe will have to see you" she stated

"I know but I don't think I can go to that opening, Theresa Romano will be there" I shake my head no "I can't"

"You do know this is your business we're talking about here, of you say no, you'll lose a whole lot of money. I'm Brittany's friend and I'm serious when I say she spends millions on her outfits, she's a brand influencer and she'll go all out to look the best" Great, I could lose all these money just because I'm afraid of these rich people

I run my hands through my hair and let out a heavy sigh

Why did I do to deserve such a life?

"Fine" I muttered. I really don't know why I keep acting like anyone was forcing me. I could easily say no but lose dollars by doing so

"Good" a smile was displayed on Gloria face and a frown on mine

"What's the problem actually?" She asked

I sighed "I don't know, maybe Mrs Martinez asking me to leave or Miss Romano making fun of how I'll look, guests staring at me like I'm an alien" it was all so annoying

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