Chapter 5

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Eric's POV•

I sat beside my bedroom window staring through it as I took small sips from my glass of juice, I've always found this inner peace while doing this so it became a habit for me. Slowly inhaling the cool breeze, I let all my worries wash away, well that was until an annoying bickering brought me out of my relaxation

"I couldn't find any fruits, I need some fruits Eric and also cucumbers, I haven't put on my face mask yet so I can't go to bed" Theresa whine from behind me

"You ate all my fruit the last time you were here" I take a sip from my glass without tearing my gaze from the sky

"You didn't think to get more? I need my fruits, do you think all of this just happens?" She said probably gesturing to herself

I ignored her. If there's anything I needed tonight, it was peace and quiet

"Eric" I finally turned to look at her

She had her arms crossed and was wearing a peach coloured night gown made of silk and her hair fell over her shoulders. She was probably waiting for me to say something but what exactly should I say

"What do you want Theresa?" I felt so tired and I most definitely didn't have the strength for any of this

"I want you to listen to me"

"You're always nagging T, do you really think I have the strength to listen all your countless bickering?" I was up from my seat and was about to head out the door when she grabbed my hand

"Okay okay I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you" she calmly said

I looked at my hands that she had intertwined with hers and back her pouting face. There was one thing I couldn't deny though and that was her beauty. She had always been one of the most beautiful women I knew but one thing I couldn't understand up till now was why wasn't I able to fall in love with her?

We've been together for 3 years, known each other for 16 years and even after all that time, I wasn't in love with her. I knew she  loved me, or so she said and I had to ask her to be my girlfriend literally because everyone begged me to, but still I don't see a future in this. I've tried to break it off over the years but I always found it hard to and most time I think, what exactly would happen if I fall in love with someone else while still in this 'Relationship'?

"But can we at least get them tomorrow?" She asked

I sigh "Alright fine"


Courtney's POV•

I sat fully concentrated on the dress I was sewing, Mrs Martinez dress. It wasn't really a complicated dress but it was a bit much, not too much though.

I let out a yawn because I was really tired, my chocolate colour hair was a total mess and my glasses kept slipping off. It was past 11 and Sophia had already gone to bed while I on the other hand had a lot of work to do

"Courtney?" I immediately turn to see Sophia awake, supporting herself up with one elbow

"What's wrong?" I asked her

"Why are you still awake?"

I pushed the center of my glasses in before saying "I'm still busy"

"Busy my foot, come to bed Courtney" she taps my side of the bed

I sigh "alright I'll be there in a minute"

"Fine" she yawned before turning to the other side and falling asleep

I turned back and continued sewing. It wasn't like I didn't know I needed to rest but it was just that I needed the money, I wanted to get a shop so my business could expand so I didn't care the amount of sleep I was losing. I lost a lot of sleep too during Gloria's wedding period but it paid off because I got a good pay and had all the time to sleep after.

I planned to keep Mrs Martinez as a regular because I know it was really going to pay out, it wouldn't hurt to live a less miserable life for once


"Don't try me Courtney Jones" she said pointing a knife at me

"Soph I'm a better cook than you" I put a spoon full of rice in my mouth

"I swear you'll choke on that"

I just stick my tongue out at her

"So when are we going shop hunting?" She asked me

"Mmm well I'm not sure yet, I have to first secure the money" I take a sip of my cup of water

"You already have the money from miss Gloria's wedding" she pointed out

"I know but I need to have enough money to decorate too you know"

"True, but you know Jeffrey won't mind supporting right?" She raised a brow walking towards me

I nod "But he doesn't have to help me with everything" I muttered

"He's not complaining Courtney, he really wants to help" she puts a hand on my shoulder

I take a deep breath "he helps a lot, I'm not going to use your boyfriend as a bank account" I gulp my water down

"You've always been too stubborn to accept help, I've literally had to push you all these years"

"I don't need help Sophia" I make it clear. She has always wanted to support me but I really really don't want to inconvenience her. Jeff has his own problems and with all that he still manages to take care of his girlfriend, I won't add mine to all of that

"I know, but it's not a crime to accept help even if you don't need it" she gentle rubs her hand against my shoulder

I don't say anything, I just rest my head on her shoulder and wraps her arms around me. I do need help, I know, but I stopped accepting help from  Jeffery the day he literally went all out to save  my mum.

That was something I would never forget


"Good afternoon ma'am" I nervously greeted Mrs Martinez

"Yes Courtney I wanted to find out if my dress was ready?" She asked and I immediately lost my voice

It wasn't

"Um not...not exactly ma'am" It's just been 2weeks

"You're not done?"

I gripped my phone tightly

"Well um..I'm almost done, I just need to put some finishing touches" I adjust the frame of my glasses

"You don't say" she didn't sound happy

This was not good

"I hope the dress is beautiful though?" It sounded more like a question and I replied

"It is ma'am, it is" and all she said was 'hm'

"I'm hanging up now" she said

"Okay" and she hung up

I let out a breathe of relief and I put down my phone on my bed

"God please help me" and with that, I get back to sewing the dress

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