Chapter 69

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Eric's POV•

"Eric c'mon"

"Are you really going to keep ignoring us?"

Yes, yes I was. I wasn't willing, neither was I interested in talking to them even though they've been trying to get my attention for the past thirty minutes. I knew they were my friends so I had to forgive them....but honestly, I don't have to do anything I didn't want to do.

"It was her decision to make Eric, she didn't want us telling you so we didn't"

I turned to look at Daniel who was comfortably seated beside me

"If she was traveling for a week or a month, that's another thing....she got a whole job there Daniel, how are you not seeing this from my perspective?"

He sighed "I can see it from your perspective Eric, but I can also see from Courtney's perspective. She didn't want anything to stop her from leaving this place, and telling you would have done just that"

"Besides" Gloria chimed in "an the environment with your mum and Theresa, has done so much damage to the girl. They've hurt her enough"

"I know" I admitted, my voice dropping "and I'm to blame for all that. I honestly tried my best to keep our relationship away from them...but my mum being my mum always finds out things she's not meant to"

I really thought I could get Courtney back even though I knew I was being selfish because she was going through a whole lot just being with me, I just wanted to have my relationship back. I actually saw a future with that woman, a future I wasn't ready nor willing to give up on. I just couldn't explain how and why I fell in love with her, but I insanely was.... that's why I was finding it so difficult to just let her go

"You know what" I stand to my feet "let's just forget about it. She's happy where she is, so I'm happy for her... that's really all that matters" I head towards the stairs and up to my room

At least one of us is happy, and the fact that she's was the happy one was really all that mattered

Courtney's POV•

"Nah, I'm thinking beads"

He pounders for a while "pearls?"

I smile "exactly"

Clinton and I were brainstorming on a wedding dress idea. Apparently, one of their best clients wanted MFE to design her wedding gown and she specially asked that the work be handled by Clinton and I...seeing that I was the new fashion designer. She didn't want to agree with that at first because she knew Angela, not me....but Morgan promised her that I would do a good job so she agreed to it, so now Clinton and I are trying to come up with the design so we can send the design a long with the fabric to the production team.

"You said she's a bit simple right?" I asked

"Yes, and at the same time a little bit extravagant"

I thought for a while "I think we should go with a simple top then all the complicated stuff can be downwards...what do you think?"

He folds his lips in "what do you have in mind first"

"Well, what about a sleeveless gown, with just thin hands of course....a sweetheart chest then the bottom can flow out just like a mermaid style"

"Wouldn't that be too....common?"

I shook my head "not with the beaded design I have in mind"

A smile formed on his lips "let's do it then"

I grin forms on mine "great, I'll get started on the sketch"

He shook his head and took my pen "no no, lunch first"

Lunch? I look at time "it's barely past 1 Clinton"

He drops the pen aside and takes both my hands, slowly pulling my up "I know, but we can't work on an empty stomach now, can we?"


"I'm paying, no worries"

I shake my head "no way, I'll pay this time"

He chuckles "there's no way I'm allowing you do that"

"Okay then, I'll pay for mine"

He shakes his head "still not letting you do that"

God, I haven't met someone else this stubborn besides Eric

"I really don't mind paying Clinton"

He picks up my phone for me and hands it over "let's just go"

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