Chapter 76

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I've never loved weekends as much I did currently.....I finally had the entire day to myself.

The stress and preparations for the fashion show weighed me down a lot and that wasn't good for my I decided to treat myself to a relaxing afternoon.

I take a taxi to a salon where I could get a cute manicure done and probably a pedicure right after

"Nude, yellow and pink" I finally decide

The nail technician put the colors aside. I chose a sort of sunset ombre style because....why not?

"Would you like any snacks ma'am?"

I know I'm a foodie currently....but I have to control myself

"Sure, I'd love some"

So much for controlling myself

Someone was assigned to get the snacks while my manicure began. I place my phone in my purse and focus on the interview on the TV.....a little bit of blood drains off my face when I saw who was being interviewed though

"It's such a shame you had to lose so many people all at once" the interviewer said

Barbara shrugged "We just had to do what was best for Crystal, otherwise we'd run penniless"

The lady nodded "that is in fact true, a corrupt board isn't what you need to run such a hotel. Speaking about the hotel, your son has been absent from public eyes for a while"

Barbara chuckles "oh my dear, My son is an extremely business man. He travels all the time and he's so choked up that the media can barely see him"

"Is Mr Martinez seeing anyone right now?"

"I would like to keep my son's personal life personal"

I roll my eyes before I heard a scoff beside me. I turn to see a middle aged lady shaking her head while she stared at Barbara on the TV

"Never knew Barbara knew what privacy meant" she turns her attention back to her fashion line magazine

I hesitantly speak up "guessing you're not a fan either"

She turns to me "of who? Barbara Martinez?" She chuckles loudly "My dear, I would rather lose my fortune than crawl at Barbara's feet all in the name of being her fan" she turns back to her magazine

I frown my brows a bit.....that was a bit too much

"You speak like you know her personally" I add

She nods while still reading "that's because I do"


"I do too. She's not the nicest person"

The lady turns to me before slowly shutting her magazine. She speaks calmly

"Barbara isn't nice, heck.... Barbara shouldn't be classified as a person, she acts more like a witch"

Okay that caught my attention

"Do you guys have history? You speak like you're worst enemies" I was confused, I didn't like Barbara either but this lady seems to despise her and wasn't afraid to show it

"Barbara and I aren't enemies my dear" she shrugged "although we were years ago" then she observes me carefully

"How do you know Barbara?"

I got tongue tied, couldn't even speak. I slowly lower my gaze and place a hand on my stomach

"Let's just say she....she wasn't pleased with the idea of having me around her heir" was all I said

The lady looks at me carefully before lowering her gaze to my stomach. I don't know how, but from her expression....I feel like she was getting it

"Is that a product of 'being around'?"

I nod slowly and she sighs

"And I'm guessing she doesn't know"

I shake my head vigorously "she destroyed that relationship by all means. She has no business knowing"

She nods "exactly why I said she's a witch"

"Why'd you dislike her so much?"

She thought for a while "dislike?" She chuckles slightly "Barbara was my best friend a long long time ago....when we were teenagers that is"

My eye brows shot up in surprise and I immediately became curious to know what happened

"We were two totally different people, I was wealthy and Barbara's family were almost penniless"

"Wait, what?" I stopped her. My body turns to the lady which slightly disrupts the manicure "Barbara Martinez was what?"

"Almost penniless, My dear. Barbara's father was a driver and her mum was jobless. Her father did all kinds of job though. He drove, worked at a site, owned a store at some point....a lot of things just to get money" she shrugged

Was I hearing right? Nah, I don't think I was

"We're talking about the same Barbara Martinez, right? Classy, Tushed lady?"

She chuckles "yes dear, the same Barbara."

No..... freaking.....way

"Barbara and I were best friends until the moment I decided to help her and her family out. The owner of their house was threatening to throw them out at that point basically because they were owing over a year's rent"

She took a deep breath, as if remembering a painful memory "I spoke to my fiancé so he could talk to his family and I got Barbara and her parents a job at his house....she and her mum as helps and her father as a personal driver for the family"

This was a getting more intriguing

"They moved into the house and I got to see Barbara a lot since I spent most weekends at that house because of my  fiancé back then. A few months passed and at the time.....I didn't notice Barbara started getting close to my fiancé. They became friends and most times she would intrude whenever he and I were alone with the excuse of coming to clean or deliver a message to him or even to see me. Sometimes she's even stay with us throughout the day. I noticed their friendship was getting a bit too touchy and close to I confronted her....she claimed not to have anything with him, but her actions said otherwise."

She let out a deep sigh and turned to her magazine before turning back to me

"Caught her one day when she made a move on him and kissed him.....funny enough, he kissed her too....and I didn't know how to stop it. He called of our engagement eventually and said he wasn't sure we could get married because he had to get his emotions checked. I um....I confronted Barbara again" she chuckles "and she claimed that my fiancé confessed to be in love with her when In reality....he didn't"

She sighs and shakes her head "at the end of the day they ended up together and got engaged. His parents weren't against him marrying from such a poor background because a girl from that background was their son's choice so they got married. Barbara did everything to make a fool of me after she had gotten Austin from me.....she knew exactly what she did and immediately I got her into that house, she played her cards right.... she's beautiful after all" she shrugged

I didn't know I had started crying until I felt the cold wind on my cheeks. I place my hand on my cheek to feel the wet surface and I slowly wipe it off. Barbara's background was worse than mine but Mr Martinez's parents accepted her either way......but that woman took me to hell and back just because I wasn't in their class.

I tried taking a deep breath. I had trouble controlling my emotions because of my pregnancy

"So you see my dear, I want nothing to do with someone like Barbara. I don't live around such people" she shrugs and goes back to her magazine

I shook my head a little and let out a small chuckle before cleaning up my tears finally

"Are you okay, ma'am?" The manicurist asks

I nod "I'm fine..... I'm very.....very fine"

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