Chapter 81

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For a pregnant lady, I was really over working myself.

Even though I knew I was suppose to be resting, I woke up around 8 to start off on my part of the VIP outfits. I had to bring the fabrics home and I got a sewing table and machine earlier so it's easy....but I was still seating and that's what hurts.

My back was crying for help, but I had to know that I had made a little progress on this outfit. Justina came over to keep me company and being the sweetheart she is, she made breakfast. She's be telling me to turn off the machine but being the stubborn woman that I am, I didn't listen.

I had my entire focus on the outfit while Justina was on a phone call. I turn off the machine to reposition the outfit when I heard her yelling a bit from the kitchen. I turn around to the kitchen door but she was out of sight.

I decide to continue my sewing when she comes out from the kitchen

"Hey" she seats across from me

I turn off the machine "you okay?"

She nods with a smile "why?"

I stayed quiet for a while "heard you yelling, did something happen?"

She waves it off with a smile "I'm fine"

I nod and continue my sewing.... wasn't going to push it.

We sit in silence for a while before she started speaking

"It was my boyfriend."

I turn off my machine

"He um....he called today and it's been a week since we last spoke. Haven't heard from him in a week and he just calls out of nowhere today, no explanation, nothing" she explains

I could see the hurt on her face even though she tried so much to cover it

"Why did you pick up?" Was the only thing I asked

"He's my boyfriend, why wouldn't I?"

"He stayed a week without talking to you when you wanted to talk to him, why do you have to talk to him when he wants to talk with you?"

She shakes her head "you won't get it Courtney, I really do love him. This isn't the first time he's doing something like this....but I can't help it"

I seat properly on my chair

"Justina, I understand what you're saying. I dated a guy like that once. Was very immature, always called when he felt like, going on and off, hot and cold, getting me so confused and questioned if I was even in a relationship anymore...his lack of attention taught me to pay more attention to my work and when I stopped giving him that time to play me, we broke up"

"I'm not going to break up with boyfriend just to end up lonely like I've always took me two years to get him" she said

I smile "I was lonely too, for a while...and like I said, I paid attention to my business and from doing so, I went from dating a boy, to a man. I made him work for attention, Justina....when I say work, I mean he worked for it" I chuckle "when I gave him a chance....I knew I was dating a man, not a boy"

She was quiet for a while "what are you...."

I cut her off "what I'm saying is that you're dating a boy who's making you beg for attention and you're making it easy for him.....a man who loves you will try to win your attention by the time realized how hard he worked to get me, he won't treat you like a side piece"

That was all I said before getting up and stretching my hand towards her "now let's go, we've got a check up to do"

A grin forms on her face before she takes my hand and stand to her feet


"Everything is fine as always, Courtney...but I advise you rest more often. Your body needs this rest, you'll need it in some weeks time"

I let out a deep breath "doctor you're making me scared" I chuckle as I sit up

He laughs "I'm not trying to scare you Courtney, I'm just informing you. To ensure a safe delivery, you need a lot of rest because that requires a lot of strength to do and if your body is weak by then...."

"That's a CS...right?" Justina asked and he nods

"If you're not able to push, then yes"

I sigh and nod "noted doctor, I'll rest up"

He smiles before excusing himself

"Well that was scary" she said

"Tell me about it" I roll my eyes "let's get going, got some sewing to do"

"Resting, Courtney, you've got some resting to do"

I stand up "yeah yeah that too"

I'll rest, I swear I will.......after 4hrs of sewing though

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