Eric's POV•
"it wasn't that good though" I dispose of my tissue as we head towards the restaurant exit
"Every wondered if your taste buds have issues?" Daniel asked "The meal was good"
I shrugged "Whatever you say"
I push the door open and bump into someone who was trying to get in
"Oh I'm so sorry" she said, picking up her purse that fell down
"Oh no no, I should be apologizing" I said instead "I didn't see you coming"
She smiles and waves it off "it's alright, no problem"
She tilts her head a bit "You're Eric Martinez, aren't you?"
I nod slightly "I am, nice to meet you" I stretch my hand out
She took it with a smile, gently shaking me "the pleasure is all mine. I'm Jane Selene"
I frown my brows "Selene Selene? Like The Selenes?"
She nods with a smile then turns to Daniel
"Mr Grey, lovely to meet you"
He smiled, placing both his hands in his pockets
"Very nice to meet you, Miss Selene" she was the anonymous daughter of The Selenes
"Surprised I guess" she chuckles, turning back to me and letting go of my hand
"Really surprised" I chuckle too "No one really knows what you look like. The anonymous heiress of the Selene fortune"
She playful flips her hair "in the flesh, Mr Martinez" then she chuckles
I smile "it's really nice to meet you"
She reciprocated "same here. I have a meeting inside now so I'll have to leave you" she brings out her card and hands it over to me "Mind if I get your card too?"
I wave it off "not at all" I take it out of my pocket and hand it over
She looks at it and smiles before looking up at me "nice meeting you again, Mr Martinez" then she walks away
I turn to Daniel "let's go"
"She's pretty, don't you think?"
I frown my brows a bit "yeah, so?"
"Your case with her may turn out like Courtney's"
I open my mouth but had nothing to say.
I took in a deep breath "please, let's go" then I walk away
Courtney's POV•
"What about this Miss Jones?"
One of the members from the design crew hands me a sketch
"Um..." I didn't like it one bit
I move the sketch around a bit
"I don't....I don't really like it. It has too much going on around the waist area and the hands are too.... extravagant"
Clinton leans in to take a look
"Nah that won't work" he simply said, taking the design from me and giving it back to the designer
"This is just the minor outfits, we shouldn't be doing too much" one of the girls said
"Yeah, but we should be doing enough just so the design is MFE worthy" a guy said
"And we have to hurry up with choosing the designs" I said "I'll be going on leave soon, so I have to approve the designs with Clinton before doing so"
"So many designs but we've picked only two...we need six more." A designer said
"Then you guys should work better on the sketches" Clinton chimed strictly "we're working our asses off for those VIP outfits, we can't add these minor outfits to our headache. It's a list of 10 outfits, get the six minor outfits sorted out so we can focus on our VIP outfits, that's where the work lies"
I could tell he was getting pissed
He taps the tip of his pen on the table rapidly "before the next meeting, I want to see those sketches....we can't be doing this everytime, understood?"
"Yes, Boss" the all muttered
He drops the pen a little too loudly "goodnight"
They all gather their things, stand on their feet before leaving. I turn to him
"You're letting all the stress get to you" my voice calm
He sighs and pinches his nose bridge
"I know you're bothered because you feel more pressure will be on you once I'm on leave"
He turns to me "it will be. I also don't want to bother you with minor issues like these outfits once you're home, the leave is meant for you to rest...not worry"
"Leave or not, it's still my job. If I'm needed...I'll be here" I shrug
He tilts his head a bit "you're too hardworking, even at this state" his voice became calm
I smile "I don't have a choice, it's part of me"
He looks at my bump before gently taking my hand. He caresses the back with his thumb, looking back at me
"I don't really know where you're coming from, but with that mindset... you're going far, trust me"
A grin forms on my face "thanks, Clinton"
His gaze drops to my lips and he slowly leans in. He stops mid way and I felt my heart beat pick up pace. I wanted to turn away, wanted to ask what he was doing, but I couldn't move and he slowly closes the space between us, placing his lips on mine.
I didn't....I didn't feel anything, I couldn't feel anything. I felt empty like there was nothing there to feel. Was it because he was the one who kissed me first? Because I was tired.....Or because he wasn't Eric...
He pulls away and immediately apologies
"I'm sorry....I shouldn't...I shouldn't have done that"
I gently pull my hand away "don't worry about it. I'll leave now" I pick up my things and immediately head for the door, not giving him the chance to insist on taking me.

Two Worlds Apart
RomanceFrom rags to riches, or something of that sort. Courtney's life takes a dramatic turn for the better when she gets tangled up in the Martinez lives. But when she falls in love with Eric, his jealous ex and overbearing mother threaten to ruin any...