Chapter 85

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"C'mon Courtney" Justina frowns

I roll my eyes and pick up my phone

"I'm worrying over this more than you are"

"Because I'm really not interested" I tell her "I'm almost due, you know? I can't be focusing on birthdays right now"

She frowns "but c'mon, your birthday's tomorrow, how can you not do anything?"

I sigh and sit up properly "okay, what do you want us to do?"

She ponders for a while "alright, since you're almost due and you don't need too much activities... let's just binge watch a series, get some snacks, cook varieties...I can do that by the way and you won't do a single work" she emphasizes on the last one

I roll my eyes "that's impossible, Justina"

She shakes her head "Courtney, I'm sure your baby is feeling it by now. Just relax tomorrow. Miss Brandon didn't ask you to work like this"

I sigh "fine, fine, I won't work tomorrow"

Maybe she was actually feeling the stress, hence the kicking the last time.

I can't believe I'll be turning 25 tomorrow, damn I'm getting old. What fun would it be celebrating my birthday without Sophy though, I haven't celebrated a birthday without her since I met her....guess tomorrow would be the first.

"What meals should we cook tomorrow?" I turn to her

"Spaghetti is obviously on the list since you can't do without it"

I chuckle, of course I can't do without my pasta... Think my little princess loves it too

"Stir fry sauce?"

I think for a while "that wouldn't be bad though, with some rice included"

Now I'm hungry

"Why don't you invite some people from your office? Maybe Clinton, Miss Brandon and some others" she suggests

"Morgan might drop by but I doubt she'll stay, Clinton is quite busy right now" coupled up with the fact that I wasn't ready to talk to him

"Let's just do it by ourselves" I conclude and she agrees.... it'll be more peaceful that way


Eric's POV•

"How do I have two meetings scheduled for the same time tomorrow?" I look at my meeting schedule sheet before looking up at Jeffrey

"I may have mixed up the timings. Dwayne's industry is meant to be by 3pm" he explains

I hand him the sheet "rectify this, please. Be careful about mistakes like these"

I open up one of our most recent project files.... haven't had a wink of rest this week

"How's the estate project coming?"

"It's been going fine so far. Mr Johnson said he'll be there today by 2 for inspections"

I nod slightly "help me schedule a meeting with him next week either on Monday, Tuesday or Friday"

"Yes, sir. You have an impromptu meeting with your Dad tomorrow at Crystal by 12pm"

I sigh "it's a new month, why are there so many meetings scheduled tomorrow?"

"I don't really know, it's almost the end of the year even"

I shake my head and pick up my phone but coming to a sudden pause when I remembered something

"Tomorrow is September 1st?"

Jeff nods

My brows raise in surprise....I almost forgot Courtney's birthday

"It's Courtney's birthday, isn't it" I try to confirm

Jeff nods with a small smile

I sigh and placed my phone down, resting my back on my seat. Even though I found some sort of closure, God knows I miss her so much

"How's she doing?" I suddenly asked Jeff "I know you're still in contact with her"

"I am and she's doing really well but stressed due to the upcoming fashion show"

I can imagine. Although I'm still happy she's in a place she loves.

I pick up my phone and dial a friend of mine

"Eric Martinez, what a surprise" he said, sounding surprised

I chuckle "hello Mike, it's been a while"

"Sure it has, that's why I'm surprised. What favors do you need this time?"

He knew me so well

"I need to send a package to someone there in New York, was hoping you could help me out?"

"A package? Sure I can. Who would like to send it to?"

"You know MFE's latest fashion designer?"

"Who? Courtney Jones?"

I smile "exactly"

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