"Is it just me or do you look so much cuter" I rolled my eyes at Sophia's exaggeration
"I left just last week"
"So?" Gloria spoke up "The environment's already looking good on you"
I couldn't lie though, this face time thing Gloria suggested was a good idea....I missed them so much
"Well it may also have something to do with the baby though" I added
Gloria nodded "true but hope you don't feel too stressed with the pregnancy and all"
I shook my head "not really"
Jeff walked up behind Sophia, appearing on her own side of the camera
"Hey Courtney, how're you doing?" A smile formed on his face
"I'm doing good, I've missed you guys so much. Hope you guys didn't turn my house into a love nest"
He clears his throat "Well....."
She hits him on his shoulder "nothing like that Courtney, don't mind Jeff"
Daniel's camera which was formerly showing unavailable, suddenly light up and he appeared on it. He was seated on his couch playing a video game while the phone seemed to be hooked to a stand or something
"Daniel Grey!" Gloria yelled to get his attention and he immediately paused his game
"Oh sorry, I didn't know it connected already" he chuckled. "Courtney Jones" a small smile formed on his face "how's MFE's new fashion designer doing?"
I smiled "she's surviving"
He scoffed "Surviving my ass, I can see how your face is all glowy.... just a week and you look different"
"Oh come on, you guys are exaggerating"
Sophia spoke "we're not, you're the only one not seeing it"
"It's the pregnancy" I repeated then Gloria spoke up
"Or maybe it's because you're stress free"
My smile broadened a bit and I let out a deep breath
"So far... I've actually been stress free"
"And that's what you need"
I didn't really care about myself, I just wanted to be okay for the sake of my baby and being away from the Martinez definitely made me okay
"So, what's been going on in LA?"
"Do you understand everything so far?"
"Well..." I didn't really know what to say
Morgan called me this morning, explaining to me what my duties as a fashion designer are....but I was totally lost
"Alright, what don't you understand"
I straightened up in my chair "Clinton explained our basic roles here when we don't have the runway show coming up and I get that 6 of the main outfits for the runway is ours to make....but is there any crucial part I should still know about?"
She clears her throat "besides the run way outfits and the VIP clothes in our main boutique here in New York, we are also paid to sew VIP clothes for other boutiques, partnered with for other runway fashion shows for minor fashion industries and even sometimes paid to make clothes for modelling shoots....and all of these clothes making fall on the fashion designers. Of course you'll still have the Design and Production Crew to help you out, but you guys would be the heart of the designers and they'll just be back ups"
Wow....that was a whole lot
"Don't worry, it's not as dreadful as It sounds" she smiled to reassure me
"I'll get the hang of it, eventually"
"Um... Clinton said you would explain the duties of the Market researchers"
"Oh. Well they just monitor the Market. By that I mean, they keep their eyes on everything that happens in the fashion world....What colours are trending now? What's the latest design updates? What do customers have to say about the new trend? What are their likes and dislikes? But even upon doing so, we make sure to keep our designers unique, compared to what is actually trending. We take what is trending and we redesign.... coming up with our own style, and they also make sure we aren't copying any other brand while doing so"
I nod slowly, taking in all her information "I always knew MFE's a big place....but you guys are so on top and so organized"
She smiled and leaned forward "We're so on top and so organized. You're part of us, don't forget that"
That on It's own, made my cheeks burn as a result of the huge grin on my face
"Thank you so much Morgan, I'm eternally grateful for everything"
"It's really not a problem Courtney. I look forward to seeing your growth here in MFE"
Who knew the woman I idolized my whole life would literally end up changing my life
"The colours don't match though" I tell the trainee Clinton asked me to mentor. Apparently, there were some trainees in my department and both Clinton and I were meant to supervise them as fashion designers
She looks at the fabrics in her hand
"A lemon green gown with brown lace sleeves would look too...dull and neither of the colours would stand out in a good way"
"Oh. So what colour do you advise I use?" She asked
I stand up and head towards the pile of fabrics we had "try using this fabric, along with a matching lace" I give her a nude pink fabric
She smiled "thank you, I'll use it"
Immediately she walks away, Clinton walks up to me, a small smile visible on his face
I looked up at him and smiled back "Hi"
"Um...are you busy?"
I shook my head "not really, why?"
He shrugs "I was wondering if you would like to have lunch with me.... it's our lunch break after all"
"Sure" I smiled "I'll have lunch with you"
A grin formed on his face, which I had to admit looked so good, he was already good looking with a million dollar smile as an added bonus
"I'll wait for you outside" then he walks away
I get up and pick up my coat....why was starving all of a sudden?

Two Worlds Apart
RomanceFrom rags to riches, or something of that sort. Courtney's life takes a dramatic turn for the better when she gets tangled up in the Martinez lives. But when she falls in love with Eric, his jealous ex and overbearing mother threaten to ruin any...