Chapter 48

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"Please tell me you're joking" Sophia said

I looked up at her "why exactly would I joke about this?"

"Well you have to be joking somehow. Do you know what you're saying? Twenty thousand dollars, how? How are we suppose to afford that?"

"Sophia I don't know, I don't. Where exactly I'm I suppose to move to, that was the cheapest shop around here and anywhere outside here would be mad expensive"

Why would she do this? She knows exactly what my situation is like and she decided to increase the rent way beyond what I can afford

What do I do?

"Courtney we need to talk to her"

"We need to talk to her how? She literally told me that if I couldn't afford that I'd have to leave"

"But....that means...there's no shop anymore?" She sounded as heartbroken as I was

I placed my hand on my forehead

"I need some rest please" I get up and head to the bedroom

"At least eat something" she said worriedly

"I'm not hungry" then I walked into the room and shut the door behind me

I had said it before that my life was so unfortunate but I never thought it would get this bad

I have no idea where I'm suppose to get that amount of money every month, I had 13,000 dollars now and that was all thanks to the money Brittany and Chloe transferred which added to my savings but even if I'm able to get up to 20, where do I get it again next month and the months after?

I rest my head on my hand, I couldn't think straight at all, where do I even start from?


Third person POV•

"I don't like this one bit Barbara, Eric hasn't spoken to me since I got back from Singapore" Theresa whined like the spoilt brat she was

"Calm down Theresa, don't you trust me? He'll come for you" Barbara said before sipping from her cup of coffee

"When? I'm getting tired of waiting"

Barbra placed her cup down as one of her house maids walked in

"There's someone at the gate for you my lady" she spoke

"Who?" Barbra asked

"Her name's Trisha McColy and she said you're expecting her"

Barbra raised her brows "oh yes I am, let her in"

The help nodded before walking away

"Who's that?" Theresa's raised a brow

"A shop owner" was all Barbara said

They waited a while before the lady walked in

"Mrs Martinez" she said with so much delight

"Ah Trisha, I was wondering when you'd get back to me"

"I'm sorry for being late, but it's done now" she sounded assuring

"You raised the price way beyond what she can afford right?"

Trisha nodded

"Good. I'll transfer what's left of your money, and if for any reason she's able to get the money, I'll buy the shop off you like we being the most popular shop owner around there should be of use to me, make sure she's not able to get anywhere else" Barbara instructed and Trisha nodded

"Good, you can leave" she picks up her cup

"Thank you so much Mrs Martinez" and with that, she leaves

Theresa looked dumbfounded and couldn't stop her curiosity

"What's going on Barbara? What aren't you telling me?"

Barbra just smiled and said "someone's trying to reap from where they never sowed, but don't worry, I'm taking care of it. Don't bother yourself with it right now, I'll tell you in due time"

Theresa just shrugged before picking up her own cup of coffee


Courtney POV•

"Wait why don't you talk to Eric, he could help you out" Sophia suggested

I just stared at her with nothing to say.

I woke up with the issue still bothering me and she suggested we came up with a solution, I wasn't even able to go to the shop, I still had one week left before the rent expiry.

"Help how?" Was all I could ask

"He could help us with some money" she added

"So when he helps me with some money now, what happens when I can't afford to pay another month's rent? I'll go to him again?"

She itched behind her neck before saying "what about Jeff, I could ask him...."

I cut her off  "for what, money? He has you and his mum, why on earth would I want to ask him for Money"

"Courtney come on, you're not helping matters here, you keep rejecting every idea I bring"

"That's because they all involve me asking people for Money" I was getting frustrated, I hated any situation that wants to result to me asking for money, I hated it so so much

"Courtney, we're in a tight corner right now and the only way out is asking for help, we need help Courtney, either that or we're losing the shop"

I shake my head slowly "I can't Sophia, who exactly should I ask? Jeffrey's not an option, I don't want it to seem like I'm using Eric, his mum already doesn't like me. Gloria and Daniel is totally out of it"

She sighs and gets up

"Fine, if you don't want to ask Jeff for help then there's no problem, but I'll ask him for help then"

I got up "Sophia, they just paid Jeff his first salary and you already want to ask for close to 20,000 dollars?"

"I won't ask him for that amount Courtney, I'll just ask for his help, I'm the one asking for his help, not you"

I face palm myself, convincing her was totally fruitless so I just left her alone


"Thanks for coming Jeff" I said, closing the door behind him

"Of course I had to, I really couldn't understand what you were saying over the phone" he turns to Sophia "what do you mean they increased her shop rent by 18,500?"

Sophia sighed "Courtney said she got a call from Miss McColy saying that she's been renting out the shop too cheap and the new rent is 20,000 Dollar"

"How? Why?" He turns to me

"I have no idea Jeff, I really don't"

Sophia spoke "she didn't want me calling you but I just had to, please we need help Jeffrey"

"What's with the please, of course I'm going to help" he turns to me "why didn't you want to tell me?"

I shrug "you just got your first pay, it'll make no sense asking for money"

"It makes perfect sense to me Courtney"

"So what now?" Sophia asked Jeff

"Well we'll call her your on or before the date your rent expires and we'll pay up, as simple as that"

I let out a sigh

"Thank you so much Jeff, you're a life saver honestly" I tell him

"Hey don't worry about it, cheer up girls. Now I'm hungry, is there anything to eat?"

Sophia chuckles before saying "sure, I'll be right back"

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