Courtney's POV
It's been a few days since I opened my shop, I haven't exactly made a lot but it hasn't been all bad. Gloria stopped to tell me when she'd drop off Brittany and Chloe's fabrics, she said she was impressed with the decors and congratulated me but I think I made more working from home
It's only been a few days though, no rush.
After having nothing to do, I realized a long time had past since the opening ceremony the Martinez had and Gloria had paid for a dress I was supposed to be have started on, so I rushed home, got the fabric and when I got back into I immediately started on it.
I've worked on my speed over the years so I don't think it'll take too much time
I put a pause on sewing then got up and walked into the store room to get my pin cushion, I hear the bell from the door and I rush out
"Hi good...." I stopped midway when I lock eyes with Mr Martinez
"Oh...Mr Martinez. Good morning, what are you doing here?" I never told him about this place
"Um...I um..." he itched behind his neck somewhat nervously "I mean Gloria told me about your shop and I....I thought I'd congratulate person"
I tilted my head to the side a bit, he came to congratulate me?
"Seriously?" It sounded unbelievable
He nodded
"Well thanks, thank you so much" I smiled
"Please have a...." I was cut short when my door was thrown open and Jeffrey walked in with Sophia behind him
"Babe come on" she said, walking to him
I turned to Eric who looked confused
I smiled nervously "can you please excuse me?"
"Sure" He nodded
I walked towards them, Jeffrey looked upset while Sophia tried comforting him
"Jeff what's wrong?" I asked him
"He didn't get the job" Sophia sighed
I ran my fingers through my hair and let out a sigh
"They didn't even let me finish talking before rejecting me" I swear at this point if it wasn't for the fact that Jeff was a guy, he would have actually started crying
"Hey hey forget about them, you'll find somewhere else" I was trying to get rid of some of the stiff feeling in the room but It wasn't working
"I'm tired Courtney, very tired. They keep looking for qualifications that I don't pose, how on earth am I suppose to get a job like this?" I bit my bottom lip, I couldn't say anything anymore, I looked at Sophia who tried to hide the fact that she was crying
Who could blame her, he's her boyfriend
I cleared my throat, I didn't even know who had the hardest life anymore; I who was always looked down on for being so financially unstable and on top of that still have such a hard time surviving, Sophia who lost her parents in her first year of college and had to drop out because she wasn't able to meet up a lot of payment or Jeff who's dad left him and his mum when he was 4 and also who's mum finally sent to college and now couldn't get a job
Who's do you think is worse
I cleared my throat and composed myself, thinking of something to say but didn't even have to because Mr Martinez spoke first
"Jeffrey" we all turned to him
With his hand in his pants pocket, he walked up to us
"How good are you with funds?" He asked him
Jeffrey looked at him with a questioning look
"I'm...really it"
"What about architecture?"
I turned to Jeff
"I'm not...exactly good at that"
Eric nods and folds his arms
"What about file organizing, presentations, documentations and how's your people skill?"
We kept looking at him before Jeffrey spoke
"I can organize files, I'm good at presentation and documentation and I'm comfortable around people" he states
Eric observes for a while then asks
"What's your comfortable working hours?"
"7am to whenever actually, but why all this?"
Wait a minute
I looked at Eric with a confused look
He looked at me then back at Jeffrey
"I'm offering you a job as my personal assistant"
Jeffrey slowly stood to his feet while I and Sophia had our hand over our mouths
"You'll be doing more work then any other worker which includes accompanying me to meetings, events, keeping check of my daily schedule and other things which I think amounts to 90 thousand as a starter"
Jeffrey gulped and turned to us "this is real right?"
"It seems extremely real to me" Sophia said with a chuckle, I could tell she was excited
"Do you accept?" He asked Jeffrey
"Do I accept? Of course I do, thank you so much, you have no idea what you just did for me" he was beyond excited
"Not a problem, it's the least I could do" he shrugged
I walked back to where I was standing before Jeffrey and Sophia walked in
Eric followed behind me and was now in front of me
"Thank you so much, I'm so grateful" I thanked him, I never expected him to do something like this
"It's really not a problem Courtney" he smiled slightly
I pushed my glasses in
"So I stopped by to say congratulations and um...was wondering if you'd like to go out sometime...with me I mean"
I stared surprisingly at him, I was dumbfounded. I turned around to make sure he was actually talking to me
"You want to go out....with me...again?" He nodded without hesitation
Was he being serious
"I'd go out with you over and over again if given the chance" he calmly said
I felt a lump in my throat and my stupid cheeks started heating up, I had to look away to avoid being seen looking like a ball of tomatoe
I heard him chuckle a bit which made everything worse. I pushed in my glasses again and looked back at him
"Why would you...." I clear my throat "why would you want to go out with me?" I was asking a very stupid question because he was obviously joking
"The question should be why wouldn't i?" My lips parted but I couldn't speak, he hand both his hands in his pocket and a little smile playing on his lips. I move a strand of her out of my face and Eric eyes falls on my lips but quickly goes back to my face
this most definitely has to be a dream
"Um I have to go, just let me know if you want to go out." He turns to Jeff "Jeffrey"
"Yes sir!" He answers abruptly
"You can start in 2 days" he informs him
"Alright, thank you sir"
He turns to me
"Please excuse me" and he walks out
Hold on
What the hell just happened?

Two Worlds Apart
Storie d'amoreFrom rags to riches, or something of that sort. Courtney's life takes a dramatic turn for the better when she gets tangled up in the Martinez lives. But when she falls in love with Eric, his jealous ex and overbearing mother threaten to ruin any...