Chapter 80

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MFE was extremely busy this season all because of the fashion show. No orders were being taken anymore and the last batch of clothes for the year had just been delivered to our boutique. October was fast approaching and that meant the fashion show was on our necks.

Two more minor outfits had been selected and approved but we were still two outfits short. The design crew felt like we were pressuring them but they had no idea what we the designers were experiencing in terms of "pressure" from Morgan.

Clinton and I head to Morgan's office with our own sketches for the VIP outfits....we need these off our necks in time.

"Lovely, absolutely lovely" Morgan smiles, holding on to one of my sketches

"This is absolutely what I want. Elegant, unique, it screams MFE. I love it"

I couldn't control the grin that grew on my face

"Okay now that's one selected from you and one from Clinton. Who's bringing their second?"

Clinton hands his over.

"Made three different sketches for the second one. Which do you prefer?"

Morgan carefully observes them one after the other

"I'll go with the second one. I love the bead placements and and hand designs. It's honestly beautiful" she hands the remaining two over to him

I hand her mine

She observes it for a while "okay, we can make this work. We'll use it" she pulls all four together and hands it back to us

"When should I be expecting your outfits, Clinton?"

He leans back and takes in a deep breath "before the end of next month.... hopefully"

She raises a brow

"I have a lot, Morgan"

"And MFE is above it all.... especially these VIP outfits"

He nods slightly "understood"

She then turns to me "Courtney, today's your last day at work until you've delivered safely.... but Courtney pls, stay focused on these outfits while you're home. Rest, eat well, watch TV, sleep, go out and get some air, let your skin feel the sun....but please take at least 5hrs everyday to work on these least"

I nod "I'll get them done Morgan, I can assure you that"

She smiles before dismissing us.

"You really do have to rest, Courtney." Clinton said as soon as we got out

"Everything aside, you baby's important and your health's important also"

I nod "I know, Clinton...and I'll rest as much as I need to"

"Alright" he says, with a small smile

"Please, excuse me" I take my leave

Things are a bit still awkward after the kiss


Immediately I got home, I went straight into my room and gently sit on my bed.

God knows I would had fallen on it if my stomach wasn't three times the size of an average basketball.

I put my bag down and lose my hair, running my fingers through it....God I was so happy my leave starts counting now....I need to rest, my waist wasn't taking the stress likely.

I take of my shoes and rub behind my neck a little with my eyes close; I loved how the AC made this room feel like a hotel....It felt relaxing. I didn't have any plans to cook today so I just pull up the plastic bag of food that I got on my way back.

Before opening anything, I get up and walk all the way to the mirror and observe myself for a while. I turn to the side, one hand on top of my belly and the other under it.

"God, this is so big" I keep observing.

I had put on so much weight and so many things had changed on my body. My face was a bit swollen and my body became a whole lot thicker. My boobs were bigger and slightly heavy and I was always looking tired

Thank God for make-up

I pull out some cotton wipes, my cleanser and I take off my make-up gently. I make sure I get every last bit of it off my face before heading to wash my face In the bathroom. I dried it with my face towel and I went back to my bed.... I'm ready to eat now

"Carrying a baby is not a days Job"

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