"And we're done" the doctor said, wiping off my stomach
Justina helps me sit up
"Are we good, doctor?"
He nods with a smile "very good Miss Jones. The baby is doing fine and you're also very well"
I let out a sigh of relief
"Thank God. I've been quite stressed the last couple of weeks so I thought it might affect my baby" I said worriedly
"Well, it could, but it didn't so I advise you try resting more and taking it easy. You're already four months gone, you need more rest"
Justina speaks up "I'll try my best to make sure she rests, doctor"
He nods with a smile before leaving us
Justina turns to me "we can go for lunch now, right?"
I slowly get up "of course, I'm famished"
"It's actually really good" I compliment the food
"Courtney, everything tastes good to you as long as it's food" Justina chuckled
"Well it's food and it doesn't make me nauseous....so it's good" I said and continued eating
We stayed silent for a while and simply enjoyed our meals until Justina brought up a conversation
"I don't want it to seem like I'm intruding, but you've never spoken about your baby's father....who is he?"
I stop midway, my fork in the air. I slowly put it down
"He's my ex. Our relationship ended very badly so I don't like talking about him" I shrug "found out I was pregnant after we broke up"
"You didn't tell him, did you?"
I shake my head slightly "I didn't want us getting back together, and telling him about it would only bring us together, besides, his mother is a psychopath....she could harm my baby"
She shakes her head with a smile "always the mothers. So sorry you had to go through something like that, especially carrying a baby all by yourself"
I shrug, taking a sip for my drink "what can I do? it's my baby after all"
"Courtney Jones?"
Justina and I were cut short when I heard my name from a slight distance. I looked ahead to see two girls grinning and waving at me....I couldn't help but wave back with a smile.
Justina turns to them, then to me "do you know them?"
"Not even in the slightest"
They rush towards me
"Hi Miss Jones!" they said in all excitement
"Well hello" I smiled at them
"I'm Susan and this is my friend, Kylie"
We're huge fans!" Kylie squealed
"Ohh, are you serious?" I ask, surprise clear on my face....I have fans????
"Of course!" Kylie said
"We've seen your work and it's honestly soooo good. I'm a designer myself for a small fashion brand and I've tried recreating one of your designers for myself, not my brand....but it's been hell" Susan spoke
I thought for a while "An advise Susan, don't over think it. Most of my designs look complex, but are actually simple and always start with the part with the most complex looking design. Getting the right fabric also matters"
She nods vigorously with a smile "noted Miss Jones"
"Can we get a picture ma'am?" Kylie asks
"Sure of course" I smile then they both took out their phones to take a picture with me before heading their way
"That felt so unreal" I chuckle slightly
"They seemed so sweet" Justina smile
Yes they did, but that wasn't even what was on my mind....I actually had fans!!!
"I'm serious Sophy, I was so surprised. I didn't think I would have any fan who would like me this much" I put my pot on the gas
"Courtney, it was bound to happen. Don't you know you're a big shot right?"
I lean back on the kitchen cabinet "well yeah I know, but.....it really seems so unreal. From a seamstress who literally begged for jobs, to a fashion designer who's currently begging to get less jobs" I chuckled
Sophy chuckled and I could hear the smile in her voice "and I'm proud of you, very very proud. You got this far on your own"
"You know you guys were always there to help me, Sophy"
"We did what we were suppose to as your friends" she said "it wasn't a big deal"
I smile "and now I'll do what I'm suppose to as your best friend....you said something about starting a business, what's your plan?"
She hums a bit "I was thinking of starting a baking business. Starting at home first with little home deliveries"
I nod "Do you have a business plan drafted or something?"
"Not yet. I'm still planning things out"
I exhale "alright then. Whenever you're done with your business plan, just send it to me....if it's well structured, I'll give you the capital"
She was quiet for a while "are you serious, Courtney?"
I frowned "why wouldn't I be?"
"Wait, Courtney, capital includes a lot of things for me though....you know I don't have any equipment yet"
"Courtney, it'll be too expensive" she said
I sigh "Sophy, the capital is coming out of my account, not yours....so don't worry yourself. Just focus on drafting your business plan"
I hear her squeal from the phone "thank you so so much Courtney! You have no idea what you're about to do"
I smile "you shouldn't be thanking me, Sophy. If I don't take care of you, who would I take care of?"
"You're the best" I could hear her pout from her voice "I love you so so much"
"And I love you so much" I smile "now tell me about you and Jeff so far

Two Worlds Apart
RomanceFrom rags to riches, or something of that sort. Courtney's life takes a dramatic turn for the better when she gets tangled up in the Martinez lives. But when she falls in love with Eric, his jealous ex and overbearing mother threaten to ruin any...