Chapter 32

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Eric's POV

"Guys stop, I'm serious"

"Of course you're not serious, you like Courtney and you didn't think to tell me?" Gloria said

"I didn't tell you because of this" I gestured to her, meaning her behavior

Daniel made me tell Gloria about Courtney and after that, I just took the opportunity to tell them what happened yesterday at her shop and now after getting back from Courtney's house, Gloria's trying to get all of us to go out

"If I don't help you, you won't help yourself" she stated

"Shouldn't you be with your husband?" I asked

"Thomas goes on to many trips if I'm being honest, I get bored" she shrugged

"Have you sent her a text?" Daniel asked her

"Yeah but she hasn't replied yet"

"She won't come" I told them

I haven't been able to sleep since yesterday. What am I saying, I haven't been able to sleep since I met Courtney. Anything and everything about her always kept my mind running so it was impossible to get any sleep

There was a ding from Gloria's phone

"She accepted" she happily said

"Seriously?" I asked her and she nodded

"It's a sunday, we should hang out" Daniel said

"Where are we going exactly?" Gloria asked

I raised a brow "you're the one who came to my house with this idea, shouldn't you have it figured out?"

She sighed

"How about we watch a movie" Daniel suggested

I scrunched up my nose

"Can you not be boring? We all know you had a boring childhood and still a boring adulthood but can you do something other than work and gyming?" This girl is so mean with her words

"First of all, ouch, my childhood wasn't boring and my adulthood isn't either" I pointed

"You canceled our outing because of the Lawsons" Daniel bluntly said

"At 18, you told us you've never visited an amusement park, what did you do with your childhood?"

I sighed and pinched my nose bridge "alright fine, let's watch a movie"

"Good" Gloria smiled

"Well someone's going to have to get us an empty theater know" Daniel added

I sighed again and got up from my sofa "I'll make a call" I pulled out my phone and walked away

Courtney's POV

I kept chewing on my bottom lip and looking at my wardrobe, it's a total mess in here

I pulled out everything and stared at them on the floor

She didn't even say where we were going or when! I just pull out my phone and text her

Me ~
You didn't mention where we were going?

I hit send and stuff the phone back inside my pocket

"What on earth do I wear?" Sophia wasn't even home because she wanted to go see Jeffrey's mum, apparently the dinner bonding didn't go as she had planned

I dug through the clothes and try my best to find something suitable to wear

There was a vibration from my pocket and I pull out my phone

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