Chapter 26

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I don't know what was happening, but I kept hearing a very annoying ringing in my head

What on earth was going on!

"Courtney Jones, put off your freaking alarm!" I hear Sophia yell

I stir on the bed before I opened my eyes

She was still lying down

I turned off my 5:50 alarm

"Why on earth did you set an alarm to begin with" She asked without opening her eyes

"Mr Martinez asked me to come with him to the gym" I muttered

I was still a little sleepy

Sophia immediately jumps up

"Wait what!? Eric Martinez?

I nod letting out a little yawn

"Why am I just finding out about this?"

"I was asleep when you got back last night"

"When did you guys meet?" She asked

I decided to skip a lot of details "he was around the area and just decided to say hi"

"Oh" she gave a freaky smile


"Don't what? I'm not doing anything" she shrugged with a smile

"Do not"

She raised her hands in surrender

I Stand up from my bed and stretched out a bit

"I can tell you're excited" she said but quickly shuts up when I gave her a grim look

There was no use having my bath so I just brush my teeth and I rampage through my drawer for something to wear

"I don't have any gym clothes" I turned to Sophia

"Yes you do. Remember when you wanted to lose weight because you felt you gained some weight after college even though you look 19 at the age of 24"

I frowned my brows

"I got you work-out outfits then, where are they?"

I turn around and went through my drawer and I found them underneath

I never actually used them

It was an ash sports bra along with a matching ash yoga pants

"So...wear them" she said

I'm most definitely wearing my hoodie on this


I put them on and they actually looked nice, really nice

Who knew I had nice curves

No, that not the point!

I pulled out my one and only black hoodie and I put it on and zipped it half way, my hair was still a very huge mess though

"Looking good" Sophia cooed

The door bell went off

"He's here already?"I whispered

"I'm sure he couldn't wait" she ran to the door


I pulled out my hair brush and loosed my hair, what can I do to this brown bushy maze?

I started brushing it out

God that hurts.

Sophia entered the room and gulped

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