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❛ VIVI ❜

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It's been two weeks since the little fiasco at the party. I'm so glad I haven't seen his fine ass anymore. I feel like sex with him would've been great. I mean, he looks great, his body is an absolute work of art I bet as I felt on his arms. Rock solid.

But I'm twenty three, who's only dated like twice. They didn't last. Mainly, because I wouldn't sleep with them. I'm a virgin standing tall , who's literally waiting for the right guy who I'm sure I'll marry. And I know that's so cliche but it's what I want. And if my future man really wants me, he'd wait for me. For marriage.

I'm okay with touching and kissing, the basics. But never so close where I get a penis inserted into my vagina. I think I'd freak the fuck out. I heard it hurts and you bleed. But I mean I don't know. Lia has mentioned to me how her first time went.

It was literally romantic. She was star gazing with her boyfriend who is now her ex in the back of his pick up truck. He laid out blankets, pillows, had snacks on the side and fairy lights to decorate the outer of his truck. And boom, it happened. She said it didn't hurt and that she didn't bleed. She was nervous and awkward of course, that's how it is for first timers I believe. But I mean what do I know?

Absolutely nothing.

" Vivi!" I hear a co-worker shout for me. I snap out of my daze and hum in response. " More customers." He gestures with his chin to the right. I nod and walk over greeting the two gentlemen.

" Welcome to Black Diamonds. What can I get you two gentleman's?" I smile, glancing over at the two.

" I'll take a shot of tequila, please. Oh! and can I have a lemon and some salt please." One of the men say. I nod, and look over at the other gentleman.

" I'll take a Hennessy with ice." He smiles. I nod and walk over to the bottles and begin to do their orders.

Just as I'm pouring ice into a glass another one of my co-workers stands besides me. " Hey, they're pretty hot. Don't you think?" She whispers, fumbling with anything around her to make it seem like she's keeping busy.

I giggle, glancing over my shoulder casually and nod. " They're pretty cute." I say.

" I wouldn't say cute but they're fine." Nayeon giggles, glancing over her shoulder and stares at them. " Do you think I can get one of their numbers?" I finish adding the ice in the cup and hand it over to her. She takes it softly out of my hand, confused. " What do I do with this?"

" Hennessy for the gentleman with blonde hair, slicked back. Or a tequila shot for the gentleman next to him with dragon eyes." I smirk at her as her face drops. " Pick your poison, love."

She rests a hand on her hip, baffled. " You're out of your goddamn mind if you think I'm gonna walk over there and give either one of them their drink."

I shrug, and walk over to grab a small tray, some limes and salt. She follows behind me, staying close. "Vivi, I can't!" She whisper shouts.

" Yes! Yes you can! You're beautiful and confident!" I whisper back to her, pouring the shot. " Or we can both walk over together? Hmm?" I raise a brow.

She turned her face away for a second and nods. She grabs the bottle on Hennessy and pours it in and she drew in a couple of sharp breaths. I smile at her, encouraging.

We turn and head over to the them and I whisper to her. " You got this!" I smile and turn to the two gentlemen and my heart drops just as I set the tray down and the shot glass falls over. " Oh, my god! I'm so sorry!" I immediately apologize, picking up the glass and grabbing a cloth and wiped down the table. I keep apologizing hoping nothing got onto his attire.

He chuckles, waving a hand at me. " It's alright. Don't worry about it." I feel my face burning in embarrassment, grabbing the tray and apologizing again. I step away my back facing them as I grab the shot glass and pour another shot as slowly as possible.

Holy shit. What the fuck is he doing here? I fucking jinxed this shit!

" Pst, Vivi, what happened? Are you okay?" Nayeon asks, the word worried written all over her face.

I force her a lip smile and nod. " Yeah, just tripped. I'm fine." I reassure her, and she stares at me for a moment, worried. " I'm fine, I promise. I just tripped over my foot, that's all."

She pouts, and nods not pestering me any further. " There's a really cute guy with a friend. He asked for you. Oh! By the way, the guy with blonde hair asked for my number!" She quietly squeals. " His names Jooheon."

" Ooo, lala." I tease her, elbowing her side. She rolls her eyes and gestures me with a slight tilt to her head.

" The cute guy with that fresh fade asked for you. Left eyebrow and lip piercing ." She winks at me and goes ahead and attends new coming customers. Just at the mention of an eyebrow piercing I knew exactly who it was.

Take a deep breath, Vivi. You got this!

Just why. Why out of all bars he came to to this one. Just as he so happens to be here while, I'm on my shift. And me talking about it to myself just jinxed this whole entire night. I'm ready to throw up all over myself and go home.

I roll my shoulders back taking in a few sharp breaths and turned around confidently with dragons eyes tray in hand. I walk back with a smile avoiding any eye contact with him.

" Here's your drink. I'm so sorry for spilling it all over you and if any so happens to spill on your clothing." He smiles at me, his dimples catching me off guard. He's beautiful. Handsome.

" Don't worry about it pretty. Accidents happen." He smiles, genuine. I smile at him and my hearts beating at my chest as I slowly drags my eyes to Jungkook.

He smiles eyeing me up and down very slowly. We stare at each other for a moment and I quickly break it off looking else where.

" What can I get for you?" I ask, avoiding his look.

" Vodka." Jungkook says. I frown.

" You don't like Vodka." I say, without thinking.

" I love Vodka, Vivi." He smirks and I want to throw myself out of a window.

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