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I  wait for Vivi outside her job, scrolling through my phone. She texted me if I could come pick her up after work I agreed and she offered to invite me to eat a burger out. I couldn't pass up some food. Or that good pussy of hers.

The sound of the door being pushed open catches my attention and I perk my head up seeing Vivi come out. I smile but it quickly falls when I see Jimin appear from behind her.

" No, yeah! It sounds like fun! I'll definitely be down to come!" Vivi chimes, her beautiful smile never dropping from her face. She stands in front of me, smiling. " Hey! Jungkook, Jimin was telling me that him and your friends are doing a pool party."

" Yeah, we are." I respond dryly, glancing over at Jimin glaring at him. What game is he playing here? Is he trying to press my buttons or something?

" I invited her cause you didn't let her know. It's this week, Kook." Jimin smiles kindly at me. " I hope you don't mind." He eyes me up and down, trying to hide that grin.

" No. Not at all." I force a smile. " But I'm sure she has plans already. She'll have to check."

" Oh!" He says, his mouth twitching into a smirk. " Curly said she was free."

I furrow my brows, pushing myself off my car. "Curly? Since, when do you call her Curly?" He smirks at me in such a mocking way it's aggravating me.

Vivi clears her throat catching both of our attention. " Hey, I'm kinda hungry... You ready to eat?" She tucks strands of her curly hair behind her ear, shifting uncomfortably.

" I'll let you go then." Jimin smiles. " I'll text you later!" He leans in and gives her a hug and all my muscles tense.

" Oh!" Vivi chuckles. " Yeah, see you." Jimin eyes practically mock me as we smack our hands together and fist bump after.

" See you, Kook." He grins and walks off towards the parking lot. I practically glare at the back of his head. This fucker has a lot of fucking nerve showing up here and practically trying to flirt with Vivi in front of me. 

" Jungkook?" Vivi calls me, squeezing my bicep catching my attention. I slowly look away from where Jimin walked off and land my eyes where she holds me. She pulls her hand away, holding her hand together. " You okay?"

I nod, glancing up at her. " Yeah. You still hungry?" She nods hesitantly and I force a smile. " Me too." I walk around the car and get into my drivers side.


Jungkook goes around the car and slowly my stomach twists. He didn't open the door for me this time. He always does and him not doing so upset me. I know I shouldn't feel this way but I can't help it.

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