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I sip on my Vodka with red bull watching Vivi walk up and down the bar serving customers my eyes never leaving her movement. She'd catch me staring at her and her cheeks would flare up a cute shade of red and quickly forgets what she's doing.

" So, who's the chick?" Namjoon asks, sipping on his dark whiskey and looks over at me. I look away from Vivi for a moment and look over at Namjoon.

" No one special." I smile, lying through my teeth.

" Yeah, right." Jimin jumps in out of no where. " Sorry, I'm late. I got caught up doing some business." I roll my eyes and avert my attention back to Vivi.

" You're good." Namjoon smiles, giving Jimin their handshake greeting and I do the same. " So, you know who's the chick?" Namjoon asks, gesturing with his head towards Vivi. Jimin chuckles, nodding sitting besides me.

" She's the one who beat me in my own beer game. Jungkook knows her a bit more as they hung out the rest of the night." He smirks, calling over a barista and ordering a beer.

" No way." Namjoon smirks, eyeing me and from the corner of my eye I just know what he's about to say. " She's the one that rejected you from sleeping with her huh?"

" Namjoon, leave the guy alone." Jooheon sighs, just as he comes back from the restroom and sits in between us.

" Wait, that chick, right over there." Jimin points right at Vivi to make sure that's exactly who we're talking about. " She rejected Jungkook? As in like no sex?"

" Okay, let's not make it such a big deal, okay? The girl has every right to reject Jungkook. Maybe his monster dick scared her off." Jooheon shrugs, glancing over at me, the corner of his lips turning upward. " Right?"

Namjoon bursts into a hysterical laughter covering his mouth immediately. " Sorry, sorry. I need some fresh air." He chuckles, getting up and leaves out the bar.

I'm too annoyed by these three fuckers, that I'm just glaring at Vivi. I mean it's not her fault at all, but these guys are just rubbing it in my face at this point.

" Jesus, Kook. Calm the fuck down. You're gonna burn a hole through her skull at this point. We're just joking." Jimin chuckles, sipping on his beer. " But I bet she's not even interested in you." He's making very corrosive comments about this situation and he's testing my fucking limit.

" Don't get your panties in a twist, Jungkook. You keep clenching your jaw like that you'll end up cracking a tooth." Yoongi appears, walking in casually, and greets everyone, and me. " What's wrong?" Namjoon walking in just behind him.

" Nothing." I mutter, finishing the rest of my drink and set my cup down. I get up and excuse myself as I step out the bar and pull my pen out. I try to take a few puffs but my battery was dead. " Fuck." I grit annoyed. I pull my box of cigarettes out and pull out my half smoked blunt.

Just as I spark it up and take a hit. I look to my right and Vivi steps out on a phone call. She doesn't seem to notice me because this phone call sounds very heated and personal.

I try not to listen but she's right outside where I do happen to be smoking.

" Stop calling me." She grits. " I don't care Max! It's been over a goddamn year get over it! And I'll never forgive you!" She shouts angrily, and I purse my lips. Maybe she needs some privacy.

I take my few hits and turn to leave she stands there staring right at me in shock. I blew my smoke out the wind blowing it past me.

" You need some?" I offer my blunt still on. She looks at it with a brow raised her phone clutched to her chest.

" I don't do drugs." I actually couldn't help but laugh. I nod, and continue my smoke.

" Weed is not a drug. It's a medical drug. Drugs are crack, meth, coke, pain killers, all that good stuff." She gives me a concerned look, her eyebrows furrowed deep. " No, I don't do drugs but this beautiful beauty right here." I raise the blunt in between my fingers with a smile and take a hit inhaling.

She fumbles with her phone and steps a bit closer, nervous. " Well, what does it do? What do you feel?"

" It depends on the person. I've been doing it for years, I'm immune to it. It can make someone have a panic attack, trip out and there's the ones who are more mellow and relaxed. Then there's the very chatty ones who find basically anything funny. Me, it helps me relax when I'm upset or pent up with anger it helps me relax. That's just me." She nods, chewing on her bottom lip nervously.

" Can I try?" I choke on my smoke and look at her in surprise. " Are you okay?"

" Yes," I choke out. " Just caught me by surprise. You said you 'don't do drugs.'" I air quote, mocking her voice.

She rolls her eyes a slight smile tugging at the corner of her lips. " Well, I just asked how it works. You have enough for me to try. I trust your professionalism towards weed." I snicker a little and shrug.

" Okay, if you say so." I hand it to her and asks how to do it. " Hold it in between your thumb and index finger or in between your index and middle finger like people smoke cigarettes. Whichever is more comfortable with you." She nods trying both methods and sticks to the index and thumb. " Don't squeeze the end cause then you won't get any smoke, hold it lightly and then, inhale and inhale again. If that makes sense."

" That does not." She giggles.

" Just inhale, puff your cheeks and inhale again." I try my best to explain it to her and she gives it a try. She does exactly that and begins to choke, coughing harshly. I actually panic a bit. The more you cough the more high you get. I pat her back allowing her to cough everything as hard as she can.

She takes a sharp breath and coughs a couple more times finally able to breath again. Her eyes are watery and I just know she's high.

" Woah." She rasps out, staring at the blunt in awe. " This is a beauty." She whispers. Just as she was to take another hit I refrain her from doing so.

" Ah, ah, I think you're good sweetie." I chuckle, grabbing it from her. She looks up at me and her eyes are red and droopy. " Yep, you're definitely good."

She giggles, and leans back against the concrete wall and exhales, stretching her arms out to touch the sky. " I feel like I'm floating." She swallows thickly, clearing her throat harshly. She smacks her mouth a couple times, slowly dragging her droopy red eyes towards me. " I'm thirsty."

" Cotton mouth." I giggle. " You guys sell water bottles in the bar?" She nods. " Don't move."  And i quickly rush into the bar to get this girl a water bottle. 

She's the first girl to actually smoke with me.

I like that.

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